There’s need for you to understand what to do to make the business attractive and easy to do. Golemglobal working environment has been designed in the way that every player is given the privilege to enjoy the fruit of his or her labour.

Building the system on 2 by 2 platform, reflect the fact that Golemglobal was actually design for people who have real intent to make it in the business, in just few months.

Although, the opportunity to enjoy spill over has been provided in Golemglobal, it is not inserted into the automated part of the design in this business for its members to spill over automatically. It is ascertained that under no circumstances should a Golemglobal would it be difficult for a GolemGlobal gold member to have two people to share the opportunity with.

The basic selling point for this program is very attractive and sellable to any manner of persons. ‘Online transition’ adverts of your goods and services. And discount purchase from our store.
Tell someone about this opportunity and earn principle.
All attractive and practical.

Join us today.
On how to be a part of this business,
Call: 09077769954 or
whatsApp to: 08071749029


Golemglobal is a business of tell someone and earn. Golemglobal operates a e-commerce store. “That’s online supermarket where you find everything you wish to purchase at a very considerate price”.
Purchasing from this supermarket save you the stress of locking yourself up in hold up or cost of transportation to a shopping store, plus the inconveniences you would’ve come across when you want to buy from the store yourself.
The company will help also you to advertise your goods and services in the internet that means “the company will help you to sell your ideas to your targeted audience” you see here that….GolemGlobal pays for every fruitful contribution you make towards it.

As a network platform, the company expects you to introduce two people to join you in your team, after registering yourself as a gold member with the company.
Then teach your two people to also get their two people each. You earn N2, 000 from the two people you sponsor/introduce directly why the two people you brought also get referral bonus of N2, 000 from the two people they referred.

You then are automatically upgraded to the leaders’ position. Anyone in your team that completes his/her entry stage will meet you up in the leader’s stage. And you need fourteen (14) leaders to complete that stage while you’ll advance to the executive leader’s position.
The total step-in bonus you receive in the leader stage is N33, 600= why you also benefit for a step-out bonus of N24, 000.
The award/incentive you qualify for in the leaders stage is either a Smartphone or a rechargeable standing fan.

You have now been moved to the executive leader’s matrix where as a qualified leader, you’re expected to help all your leaders to grow and come and meet you in the executive leader’s environment.
Any leader that upgrades to meet you in the executive leaders stage earn you N5, 400 instant bonus.
In this matrix, you earn a total of N75, 600 as step-in bonus for the 14 leaders upgrading to meet you here. You also enjoy N55, 000 as step-out bonus in this matrix when your 14 leaders drop completely. The company will offer you award/incentives of either of the followings. You have the privilege to make your choice
·        Generator
·        Air-conditioned
·        Flat screen T.V
·        Laptop computer
·        Projector etc

After which the system automatically move you to the directors’ stage. Take note that you’re credited the step-out bonus immediately you cross to the next stage.
In this director’s stage, the business becomes very interesting and fun. Every person that drop in your table here, earn you instant bonus of N6, 600=.
While the total step-in bonus you’re paid here, amounts to N92, 000=
Other privileges and incentives you enjoy here are:-
1.     Car award, worth – N4, 000, 000=
2.     Local trip for 2 to Obudu Cattle Ranch for Four Days
3.     Tricycle (keke)
4.     Wardrobe Allowance of N100, 000=
5.     Widow empowerment for your sake
6.     The step our Bonus of this director’s Stage is N520, 000=
On completion of this director’s stage you have been trained into a new kind of lifestyle the type you are grown accustomed to. The type that fits you into the estimable position of an achiever, a successful entrepreneurial exemplary net-worker.

With this progress in view, the system moves you from her to a more gracious matrix. The Eagle Director
At this level in this business you have a major stake in this GolemGlobal business. That you have the privilege to borrow between N1m and N4m without collateral or interest.
The step in bonus you receive from everyone that joins you here is N22, 000=
Total step-in bonus for the 14 people that drop on your table here, amounts toN308, 000=
And on completion of this board, you qualify for:-
1.     Your 2nd car worth N5, 000, 000=
2.     Free Dubai trip – all expense paid by GolemGlobal
3.     Car maintenance of N200, 000=
4.     Plus a step out bonus of N620, 000=
You won’t say this is a bad business anyway. As you may start to curse that friend that almost discouraged you from signing up as a GolemGlobal Gold members some months back.
This progress may prompt you to look at your past and thank the person that persisted on advising you that you join GolemGlobal.
You also happily raise up your two hands above and thank Jehovah God your maker that gave you this wisdom to identify this financial opportunity in time and promptly embrace it.
The business is not ended yet, you still have two great matrix to overcome.

 You have rightly been automatically upgraded to the ambassador stage by the system.
In this stage, you will get N80, 000 from any one that step in to your board from the eagle director’s stage.
Total step in bonus you will get here shall amount to N1, 200, 000=
And on completion of 14 people into your board, you qualify for the followings;
1.     House award of 15, 000, 000
2.     School children school fees paid by GolemGlobal for 1 year
3.     Empowerment for an orphanage home n your car.
4.     ­­­­­sinking of borehole in any community you choose in your name by GolemGlobal
5.     You also earn a step out bonus of N1, 200, 000

Here you migrate to the last stage of the GolemGlobal business where you continue to earn N1, 500, 000 for any one that drop in your table for the rest of your life. I call this you GolemGlobal life pension.



GolemGlobal business opportunity is a platform set up to help balance peculiar suffering with peculiar enjoyment in the lives of those that identify, and embrace it.
It is anti-economic recession tool expected to soften the financial pains many people would have been facing today.

Could you imagine a system when many people are crying and wailing that they can’t even give themselves and their families’ one square meal, why others that embrace GolemGlobal financial empowerment opportunity are going home with brand new cars, keke-napep, computers, air conditions just to mention but few. Many are even going on vacation for enjoyment. Courtesy, “GolemGlobal”
If you join GolemGlobal now, there’s assurance that you must succeed though it. If you decide to procrastinate and join later, you many still excel through it, but then, those that started earlier, would have been getting another round of awards.

But if you choose to vehemently reject the offer of joining, you have not loosed because others around you will still succeed through it and you will recognize it and be happy for them.
If you join a business with Just N5, 400= ($27) and put in a little effort you’ll start to reap the good fruit of your wise decision, immediately. While others who reject the offer of joining such business, feel sorry for themselves. Although I’ve not qualify for a car but GolemGlobal is given out cars award to qualifiers without stress or discomfort. I may be the next in line to qualify for a brand new car in golemglobal.
The basic key point to succeed in GolemGlobal is, 

1.       You get registered as a gold member with N5, 400.
2.       Help two people to do the same. This is the working formula that turn you cute millionaire and
3.       Teach the other two to do exactly what you’ve done.
4.       If they keep duplication your action, in just few months,
5.       You’ll make yourself a proud owner of a brand new car.

The misery of man is not far away from him.
+        It may be in the pillow he rest his head when sleeping.
+        It may be among the friends he so trusted.
+        It may be within his inner mind; the one he use to make decision
+        It may be among his family members, religious leader or political godfather
+        It may be in his sense of reasoning.
+        It is also possible for the man himself to be the cause of his misery

If these insinuations are true, what can a man do to remove misery away from his life?
Ø  He should examine himself
Ø  He should be ready to make adjustment
Ø  He must observe before he take a step
Ø  He should be motivated by every good developmental plans
For help and support on how you can be registered as a GOLD member of GolemGlobal,
Call: 09077769954 or WhatsApp to 08171749029


There’s actually no business that is easy to run and become rich quickly without learning about its fundamental working principles.  In Multilevel Network Marketing Business for example, there are five basic steps you bust take to become a success.

The First Step Is To Identify your Target Market

Who Are Your Prospective Team Members?
By this, I mean you must understand the kind of audience best suited for your kind of business and to present the opportunity to them. To reach them with ease, you must be in touch with their needs, there inner most desires for change. You must know what drives them to want to better their life.
Knowing the people that would like to lead a different and more satisfying life, will help you succeed in network marketing.

Second, You Must NOT Chase After Your Family and Friends

I am not insinuating that when you learn of a new Network Marketing Business (NMB) that you should not first tell it to family and friends, I’m saying here that you should not chase after them to join you.
One of the first thing most network marketing companies have in common and advised their members to do when you join them is, they’ll ask you to create a list of ALL your family and friends so you can reach out to them with your home-based business opportunity. They tag this list of “your warm market”.
The worst thing you could ever do for your personal life and friendships would be to make your future meetings awkward. It is suggested to leave your friends and family for just a little while, at least until you understand proper network marketing prospecting and recruiting better (if you have the support and backing of an experienced network marketer there with you, then go for it). Because, family and friends join you when they see the effect of your effort in the business.

To make it clear, DO NOT EVER chase, beg, guilt or even attempt to convince anyone, especially your warm market to join your opportunity. When you decide the time is right and your approach is warranted, it is suggested by the network marketing pros to see if your family or friends are open to your home-based, small business opportunity.
The network marketing professional will never chase their family members or friends attempting to convince them that this is the best opportunity to cross their paths since the invention of the wheel.

The Third is, You Must NEVER Stop Educating Yourself ---- Personal Development

Personal education and research is very essential for all who intend to succeed through NMB. Every successful networkers today, put in the time and effort to work on themselves daily, in order to understand the business better, in order to zealously pursue it. That is why we could say today that, the top leaders and top income earners in today’s network marketing world are also the top best learners. These network marketing professionals are passionate readers with a daily ritual of self improvement. If you were to research any of these leaders, you will discover that they have a sizable bookshelf of accomplished reading.
Simply put, if you take a look at any one who has made any significant amount of money in the network marketing industry, you will be assured that they work on their personal development daily and have the library to back it up.
Note – If you want to see significant growth from your network marketing efforts, you must constantly improve your knowledge. Read success books, research the Internet for social media strategies along with network marketing tips. Plus, any other topics to position you to becoming a successful networker.

The Fourth Thing To Do Is, Include Social Media in Your Everyday Business Activities

It is not yet done if you are still skeptical about the power of social media platform to aid in increasing the exposure of your business? All right thinking people who have achieved success in NMB has stated that social media may soon drive MORE traffic to your online platform than SEO.
If your online business does not have a social media program in place to help spread the word about your business, then you are missing out. The basis of any good marketing strategy would be to include social media in your daily business activities. There are many locations to begin the building of your business relationships… one good place to start would be to focus on Facebook groups within your niche.

And Finally, Stay Consistent.

Consistency in network marketing is a must. And to achieve this goal,
v  Learn to create a workplan, by writing all you wish to achieve in your To-Do List and remain consistent.
v  You MUST be consistent in your actions… without actions on a consistent basis, your business will fail.
v  When posting content, make consistency your key. Not only for better SEO rankings with the major search engines, but when your followers see you posting at a certain time, they come to expect it. If you want your followers to remain loyal, you MUST remain consistent.
Even if you are not seeing the results that you want in your network marketing business immediately, don’t give up. Some days will be tougher than others… keep in mind that virtually every network marketing professionals, had thoughts of doubt at one time or another, but they kept pushing on.
The ONLY way you can ever fail in network marketing is by quitting. This might sound cliche, but it is true. The successful network marketing professionals you see around you today had thoughts of quitting but didn’t, and that’s why they are where they are now… (TOP INCOME EARNERS)!