Goftagroup being a conglomerate of intelligent and determined people; operate the following services to enhance the self-reliance of its members.
  1. Financial and moral assistance 
  2. Skilled acquisition
  3. Promoting farming skills and technology
  4. Defending the less privilege from oppression
  5. Research on cassava production, management and processing.
  6. Encouraging Donors towards the growth and uplift of our members
 Skilled acquisition;
Gofta world enterprise Nigeria, has made necessary provision to train any well-meaning Nigerians who are ready to learn any type of skill; raging from Trading, fabrication works, carpentry, sewing, barbing/hair dressing saloon, farming and e.t.c

Financial assistance;
Most people have been helped by this organization by means of financial assistance. In the album below, you will see the faces of some of the beneficiaries of Gofta.Clickhere to understand  what we mean when we say that people have benefited from the good gesture of this group. The support was to make sure we keep these persons in business, despite the lack of confidence they were almost having for their businesses, since they weren’t having fund to continue. Goftagroup did this in order to empower them to make them a really self employed persons.
Gofta don’t only give out loan; but also do a follow up of the money given out as loan, to these individuals. This is made possible by means of the task force department of this organization. The task force pays regular visit to these beneficiaries in order to help them utilize the money, appropriately for profitable ventures.

Another department we have in goftagroup is the consultancy department. This department is made up of professionals who help the traders to locate a good business, which will be good for the particular area, which they have chosen to operate.
They also help to manage the business means of supervision and education. These traders are educated in the seminars and workshops organized by this organization, for the individuals or groups that borrow money from goftagroup
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