The Challenges of life begins with the kind of decisions you make, the time and the scenario you make it.
For instance, have you taken some time to analyze how you used more than N5, 400= in just one WEEK-END for sweet mouth? Let’s hope that on Friday evening of that week when you was returning home from work, you spent N2, 000= to buy suya for the family, accompanied with one large size 5alive fruit juice of N800=.
While on Saturday, you took your family out for sight-seeing at the Benin museum to see the Edo water fountain. Where you spent N800= for cab drop, bought N1, 500= worth of ice cream, with chin chin of about N600= to step down.
Finally on Sunday, in order to add value to the dinner of rice proposed for the family, you spent N2, 500= to prepare salad and N700= for soft drink.
The total money spent for this week end amounted to N8, 900=
Now! How does this singular decision we take affect our life…. Our future, and that of our children? You would have been able to build a formidable future with just N5, 400= from that money and you will still be left with about N3, 400= that you can still manage for that weekend. But ensuring that you have already secured your future and that of your entire family with just a token of N5, 400= ($27).
You are obligated to build this system because, it is a system you need not that temporary enjoyment you get with the money for just one weekend. Remember that why you have not join the business now is because you claim not to have the registration fee. While you spend more than the required signup to keep warm for only three days.
Since it is wrong to waste money on your want, do well to identify your need. Don’t set your mind on….. AM I SURE THAT MY MONEY WILL BE SAFE WITH GolemGlobal? Will this business work for me? Is the projection of this company real?
Please, don’t allow your mind to set you up. Instead, set up your mind on how you will succeed through this great business opportunity. To achieve this! Work your way through. Dream big, build a big network that will build you for better future. REMEMBER! Your network strength determines your NET-WORTH.
To build a successful, durable and a sustainable team, keep on talking to people about G2 in order to get more conscious minded people into the team. Please, don’t stop talking because your talk means money.
Note: never allow anything to become a stumbling block on your way to greatness. Not even the decision you’ll make at a particular time. Since you already understand that your success depend on the choice you make today
Click to join now.
Or call me on 08035778716 to get more info.
Otherwise WhatsApp me on 08171749029


It is true that every decisions we make at a particular time, affect our lives either positively or negatively. So, before you make any choice or take any decision, think about the long term consequences or benefits of it. Whether it will serve negative purpose or help you positively.
If you have made several choices since the first quarter of this year which its outcome has not been encouraging or fruitful for you, the decision you will make in this last quarter, may help you fill the vacuum already created. Since the decision of joining GolemGlobal today will augment for all the failures previously experienced.

The big question is “are you willing to make the remaining part of this year memorable to you and your family?” Do you believe that $27 which is equivalent to Nigeria N5, 400= only can change your life and your fortune all around for the better and convert you from shack to home or turn you into a millionaire in the few months still left for this year?
Therefore, if you have been in Network Marketing Business that’s older than 2 years and you were not among the first 500 people to join, please change your belief that you are close to becoming an achiever through it.

Your hope and belief in NMB should be centered on one fact, that GolemGlobal which is just lunched into the Global market is giving you the privilege to be among the first 500 members or associate, if you get registered right now.
Take note that Registering now will give you the privilege to enjoy all awards and bonuses spelt out in the marketing plan of this conglomerate.
If you Sign-Up now, there's possibility that you can get to the stage of a DIRECTOR before the last date of December 2016.

Being a director will entitle you to getting rewards of:-
1.      A blender, Android phone with additional earnings of about N60, 000 (sixty thousand cash)
2.      A Laptop, Projector AND a Flatscreen TV, with regular earning of about N136, 000 cash
3.      A keke Napep, a car worth N4, 000, 000= local trip to obudu ranch, wardrobe allowance and a physical cash of N619, 000=
If you achieve all these between now and December ending, 2016.
Will you say God has not really been on your side?
Why still drag your feet?
Join now and start filling the gap in you tree in order to get there early.
Remember! Delay is dangerous.


There are lots of dangers associated with delay. That is why it’s popularly said and agreed that delay is dangerous. For actuality, what is delay, why do we delay and what are the impediments associated to delaying?
Delay can cause you to loose the privilege of being a gold member of GolemGlobal which would have turn you into a proud owner of a brand new car and also make you enjoy more loads of unimaginable benefits, spaced out from the cash back reward you get from the company if anybody you referred to the company, actually join us or purchase any goods from us.

This same delay can make you loose a seat on top only to secure a space at in the floor.
Because you delay, you cal also miss being a leader and becoming a follower in a bright opportunity like this.
Now! Taking the right decision at the right time is your privilege. You either utilize it appropriately or make the offer worthless. Be reminded that now that the day is bright that, we can still see ourselves and clearly and recognize ourselves should be the appropriate time for you to key in.
If you delay to get registered today, you may still get the car, but you may only qualify for it when others has already gotten some and hoping for another.

If you delay, you may use your money to buy everything you need, while others who were optimistic that it will work and came in early will qualify for it as a reward. Raging from an android phone, laptop, projector, flat screen television, keke napap 2 cars, free local and international travels.
After reading through this, will you still like to delay? Or you wish to change your orientation?


Anytime anybody is talking to you, he may seem to be passing the truth to you. Mainly when people are talking you into signing up for one of theses network Network Marketing Business (NMB) Opportunities.
The only truth they tell you in that regard is:-

1.      You will really fill a form and be registered
2.      You must have a sponsor
3.      No one has ever come to tell you that a Nigerian is among the directors of his MLM Company
4.      You are promised a car and other rewards, including awards.
But in GolemGlobal, we tell you more than that. We tell you the truth that a Nigerian is among the primary directors of our company. Closely representing the interest of his people. We also tell you one scarce truth which is, if you wish to succeed fast in GolemGlobal, at the initial stage; 

You must do hard work.
You must respect your team members
you must always tell the truth.

Because you already have hundreds of thousands or even millions of naira in you account does not stop you from becoming a member of GolemGlobal.
You may have accumulated this money when the economy of your nation was stable. But now that the situation has taken a twist, that’s now that we are facing economy paralysis, we will loose out in fund if we don’t create a residual income platform now.
Lets look at it this way è exchange rate today is N417= to $1.
1.      Bank exchange is N197 to $1
2.      Minimum wage for Nigeria worker is N18, 000= but not regular.
3.      Fuel in Nigeria is N145= per litre
4.      While kerosene sells for N220=
5.      Diesel is N210= a liter

This development has led many companies with no option that to be sending workers home
Businesses are shutting down
Government at all levels are owing workers salaries, should you wait until you get affected before you know which step to take?
Get serious and join GolemGlobal now, in order for you to secure your future and that of your children, FINANCIALLY.


These are some of the things you have done. These are some of the actions you have taken.
Because you thought it can never be possible for you to benefit for a FREE expense paid trip to Odubu Cattle Ranch, South Africa, Dubai and America, you thought it can never happen. If It has happened to other people, why do you think it wont happen to you, I believe that if you work your way through, it must also happen to you.

You have never believed that you can attain to the height of being a proud owner of a brand new car, via GolemGlobal….
You may be wrong in that thought. Since, others have gotten it FREE OF CHARGE. Do you not think then that if you challenge yourself to it, you will also qualify for it soon?

Take note that some of the things you never believed will be possible are already being possible now. I want you to understand that since I embarked on my venturing trip, many thoughts and ideas has come into my mind. And among these great thoughts are:-

1.      It is a fact that every sane mind, wants to succeed in life. They wish to be able to acquire all basic necessities of life in order to live comfortably.
2.      They want to be able to get married without borrowing to do so.
3.      They want to have children and be able to send them to good schools and make them responsible in life.
4.      They want to live in a home and not a shack
5.      They wish to acquire a brand new vehicle without much stress! And not a tokumbor.
6.      They want to become an achiever and have the privilege to help others become great too.

But the second thought most pessimistic people always have after pondering on these beautiful mind bubbling thoughts are;
a.      Will achieving these great things really be possible?
b.      Can I, of all people be able meet this challenge?

But the mind that is optimistic never doubts the possibility of being great. Their responses to these thoughts are…..
i.                    yes, I can!
ii.                  I am very sure it is possible to make it.
iii.                If any other person has made it before, I can.
iv.                 I thank you Jehovah God for doing it. Even when it has not been done.

How juicy the mind of the optimistic people.
----    They have faith and they exhibit it.
----    They have value for every little thing done for them. Hence, they show appreciation for it.
----    They know the risk involved in being stagnant. So they are always active! Always in the field.
----    people with sign of greatness don’t always keep shut. They speak out. They tell people about their source of wealth, and they make people become rich. You will no doubt want to be one of these Jacarandas.
The jacarandas club, like the Brazillian Rosewood is sponsored by GolemGlobal for its associate’s  that has reached the director stage in the business.
GolemGlobal offers no collateral loan of N500, 000= to N1, 000, 000= for people in this level in the business to boost any kind of business they so choosed.
Persons in this stage also qualifies for a brand new car worth N4, 000, 000=. Here, you become a big time earners because you have patiently build your team.
But note that a journey that will take you to this highlighted millions, must start from a kobo. With just N5, 400= you will get there if you chose to. In GolemGlobal you don’t crack kernels, you don’t break rocks, you don’t stress for anything. All you need do is ………
1.      Strategize,
2.      Identify important people you know. People that are always motivated and are willing to work with you.
3.      People that are not jealous because other are doing well.
4.      People that always conclude that the God that does your own will also be able to do theirs.
5.      People that are happy when other are excelling.
6.      People with sound mind. Just two of them and your team is set.

Help each one of them to also get their two and you will see things turning around for your good.
If there’s anything you don’t get clear, visit or call 08035778716 or whatsApp 08171749029 for more clarifications