There is need to write these basic facts about a company that started on a platter of diamond and later, almost collapse to the level of a creeping child.

GolemGlobal started in high speed/spirit like a horse, but eventually drop to the speed of a millipede.
The sighting of GolemGlobal when they started was like that of an eagle, but it eventually drop to that of a bat.
GolemGlobal sparkle in its onset like a diamond facing the sun, but eventually drop to a dullness of a charcoal.
At onset, GolemGlobal protects its members like a wild lion that just give birth, but later drop to the level of the careless hen that left its chicks to the hawk.
GolemGlobal that I initially know was like a bright light that leads the way for its affiliates, but later downgrade to a locomotive light without enabling energy.

Oh! what a turnaround for the mighty tree, an eucalyptus that formally provide shade for other trees and even wild animals in the thick forest, now fell down with a tiny and weightless motor saw. Oh! What a turnaround that can truncate a sweet dreams and wonderful prophecies.
These couldn’t be the fact about the Golem I know, and these descriptions can never fit the GolemGlobal I so much cherished and sacrificed my time and effort for.
If these are actually the truth about GolemGlobal, what kind of fruits should we be expecting from it?

Don’t be surprised if it looks a little bit scary in your eyes. GolemGlobal has just undergone a rebirth.

This new Golem does not have a replica of the GolemGlobal formally mentioned. This is a GolemGlobal that has pass through a proper reformatting and the brain box replaced with a new and more active one. Other remnant of forgotten particles properly scanned and identified viruses have been deleted. This is in fact A brand new GolemGlobal.
What kind of fruits should all GolemGlobal members and associates be expecting from the re-purchased GolemGlobal?

Now that a thorough restructuring has been done, all sincere and dedicated GOLD members of GolemGlobal are fully in expectation of the followings:
A GolemGlobal where the managements swiftly respond to the need and interest of its members
GolemGlobal that allows its members earning be directed to their local bank account for easy withdrawals
A GolemGlobal that offers to its members a withdrawal cash card (ATM Card)
GolemGlobal that gives out incentives as at when due
GolemGlobal that organizes regular trainings for its accredited presenters
GolemGlobal that values the effort of its members and show appreciation for it by means of awards and gifts
GolemGlobal that understand that regular promotion helps the business to grow and so, dish out promos, regularly to boost the morale of its members.

All these, that are recorded herein is neither a theory nor fallacy, these are facts that doesn’t need to be disputed. The new GolemGlobal vowed to meet up with these promises

In this new dispensation, GolemGlobal managements and administrators believe that because all its members are very important to her, it will do all within her reach to encompass them all. Golems also trust that all its members will be sincere henceforth and help to work towards the growth and development, plus the sustainability of this company. GolemGlobal have the intention and clear will to ensure all its members enjoy the dividend of their hard works, but, the members in turn must be sincere enough and work with the company in earnest and honesty, helping to curb ghost membership and also inactivity in the companies potter.

The fruits GolemGlobal will offer this time are too numerous to mention. As being in GolemGlobal community will only be compare to each and every one of all dedicated members, being in the place they have always dream to be.
Because of the tremendous offers GolemGlobal has laid in store for all of us, I believe no one of us will like to be like Mr. Alison who gave up when he was already standing right in the place he would have gotten the ever searched for DIAMOND. But who is Mr. Alison and what can we learn from him?

Please click here and read the story of Mr. Alison

The fruits we will obtain from GolemGlobal in due time is:
Android Phones
LCD tvs, Generators, Rechargeable Standing Fans etc
Brand New Cars
Local and International Travels
N4m cash paid directly to your account
Interest free and no collateral loans
Building Fund Support of about N10m
Free scholarships and community support programs including widows empowerment

Mr. Alison - prosatel


Have you been privileged to read this story before? Nonetheless, many people have read it over and over again. And found out that, it is the same thrilling old story. The thrilling story of a man who deprived his conscience and his ability to succeed in life. The story of why most people never get out of poverty. Even when they started the journey to wealth in a bold and grand style, they never enjoy the fruit of that labour. Let's read through it once again.

Mr. Alison was a young brilliant, active and optimistic man of just 22 years old when he embarked on this voyage. He became convinced that this journey will be a successful one, after being persuaded that he will find a DIAMOND in the prescribed diamond mine, if he have access to the document (GEOGRAPHICAL MAP) that contain the actual direction that leads to where the diamond mine is.

The document (GEOGRAPHICAL MAP) was eventually handed over to Mr. Alison and he embarked on the journey. During this period of venture, Mr. Alison passed through prickles and thorns. Through the thick forest and the dangerous high mountains. Alison sailed through the deep blue sea, he break mighty rocks, and fell huge trees, just to make his way through to the diamond mine. When he came in contact with dangerous animals he defeated them because he was strengthened by the reality of finding the diamond. (HE MAINTAINED HIS FOCUS)

With the confidence that he is in the right track, he continued into the thick dark forest just to get the diamond. After searching, trailing the route for about 30 years, Alison arrived at the precise point/location where he was sure to find the diamond. Unfortunately he met with a rock that needs to be cracked before the diamond will become visible. He has no other option than to commence cracking the rock stone. This he did.
Mr. Alison started the cracking when he was age 52, and did it till when he was about 65 years old. By this time, it was remaining few hits to break the record when eventually; Mr. Alison got fed up and doubted his ability to reach where the diamond is, (HE GAVE UP THE SEARCH).

See more info about golem. 

Oh!!! Mr. Alison resented his move and fought against his confidence, even the guarding document he once trusted, couldn’t make any sense to him, anymore. These whole actions took place just few hours to hit the diamond. HE STOPPED THE SEARCH packed all his belongings and embarks on his journey back home with the understanding that there is no diamond there.

Oh Mr. Alison! You have wasted all your years.
All your hope to become successful in life has been thwarted
Old age has crept in and wear you away
You have become a bad example for others
Because, you didn't apply discernment when required
You have entirely failed and you will die a pauper because of the wrong decision
You have taken, for this; you will depend on others for survival for the rest of your life.
If you have not read this story before, now that you are read it;
What do learn from this story?
What do you intend to do with this story?
Do you want to be like to Mr. Alison?
Do you see why its not right to give up our dream half-way?
What would you have done, that's different from that of Mr. Alison?

Please patiently wait For the complete story/final story.