Challenges of Life -- Chapter 6

For instance, continued Mabel when Abdul-Karin, our present ruler previously ruled in this empire as the Head of Akogah previously, do you people not remember how our farmers, fishermen, hunters, teachers, students and other people relying on the currency of this nation were badly treated? Have you forgotten so soon how they were paused from activities and put in the position of inactivity because of the tempering Abdul Karin made to the nation’s currency? Take note that this singular action eventually send many people from township to the interior villages. Our children were stripped of their right to enjoy governmental benefits in their various government tertiary institutions? Have you also forgotten that every citizen of Akogah land were made to face the hardest times they have never experience before at that time? If we want to talk about all the pains and agony he inflicted on the citizens and the terror he made them pass through, it may be a tale that might never clean away from the hearts of those that experienced it. In the heart of these memorable anecdotes, people ignorantly decided to choose him again to take charge over the nation’s resources. Probably, they thought he has turned a new leaf because a long time has passed and the time is enough for someone to be refined.
Forgiveness being a key that can bond people together, may be what makes the people not to remember that what may be in the cooking that has not properly been cooked previously probably may be what is been properly processed now for the people to share and taste from.  From the look of things does it seem that there is hope that we are not going to face another hard time? If possible hardest time? My people I know that as a woman, I don’t have the final say. But I advice that we take the right step in the right direction now by listening to Omene’s suggestions and work with it.
Enough is enough shouted Uwaila what actually did Pa. Adeyinka say our humble brother Professor Nickfallow Decki did that made them took side with Abdul-karin and his camp against us. What kind of stubbornness did he display? Whom and which advice did he not listens to? CRAB! CRAB!! CRAB!!! That is what we are. We couldn’t get there and we are not allowing any one among us, willing to, to get there. We become hindrance, impediment and setback to a determined and a very successful democrat like Professor Nickfallow Decki, our own blood; our own brother to get there.
We shouldn’t have washed our dirty cloths outside for public to see; we would have applied a little patience, caution and intelligence in order to systematically take the matter home and address. But papa Adeyinka chooses to sell his birthright for just red pottage. It is unfortunate.
With this singular act that Papa Adeyinka has exhibited, the whole people of Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle’s has been relegated, our honor has been stripped off from us, we have deprived ourselves of this great opportunity that we may never get cheaply again. With this act of naïveté, we have practically proved to the world that we are not better than Esau that sold his birthright for a plate of red pottage. Nonetheless, this is a challenge. A very big challenge for the Ibokele’s, Edunero’s and the Yorinle’s, to prove that we are capable of handling that seat of leadership, by coming together again to work together towards making sure that we have the right to be in charge of our own assets, (our mineral resources).
I want to use this privilege to advice all our statesmen that When some things that seem strange happens to you, don’t feel pained initially. Instead, reflect thoroughly on it and find out the best possible way to overcome it.Always believe that without overcoming these obstacles, you may never realize who you really

are, and you may never identify the true potentials in you. You may also never know the quality of strength, the will power or the kind of good heart you posses. However, with what you experienced in your trying times, you’ll perceive that everything happens for your good. They did not occur by chance or by error.
The facts that are now very visible and clear to our vision, are:- illness, injuries, hunger pains, moment of grieve, obesity of stupidity, spirit of hatred and injustices we now experience would not have been an incident of boo-boo, it is a precept design.  And this is a clear evidence that the path to our present destination is rough. This is to show that an Edunero man has been forcefully removed from the seat of power and that it is now the Wabudu son that is there.  It is as clear to us now that we are facing serious problems in this land and that this is just the beginning of pains and agonies we’re going to be experiencing henceforth in Akogah land if these people keep being our ruler. This is clear evidence that there were things our own blessed brother has been covering so that many people will get comfort. These are not mere occurrence to test our ability and patience, it is a pre-design development already packaged to be unleash on us as a revenge for ever trying to test the seat of power in Akogah Empire.
As this script is being played, it confirms that the present predicament we now face within this power seeking ulcer is a character written and given to artiste to put into action. Good enough, many already know where the truth is and what truth and reality stand for. But what should these happenings prompt us to do?
Mabel Exclaimed! “To Take Action Of Course”. This shows us the reason we should mend our ways and reconcile with our brothers and sisters in order to take over the position of protecting and securing our territorial borders and authoritatively controlling our God given resources by ourselves. We must do all these things I’ve just mentioned. One of which we should take charge “by ourselves” because; no one else may earnestly be able to do it for us.
We must know now that the entire security arm in this empire belongs to them. Because they chose to be in possession of both the Daggers and the Guns, why they simply or tentatively left the pen with us. The Army, Police Force, Navy the Air Force, all of them are working for the Wabudu’s, Noribalu’s and the Habekona’s.
This becomes real when in most occasion you see these security people with their apparatus stand and watch as our fathers, mothers brothers and sisters, children, our houses and even our farms are being destroyed by these enemy brothers. We are very sure that if we make professional use of the pen left to us, we shall overcome them.
STOP! STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!! Mabel shouted….. TIME is not on our side anymore, we must resolve to face them headlong now and tell them to their face that if they need the ruler ship, they can take, But on our side we need independent from them. Our God has already mapped out the land with his permanent marker which is so clear that everyone already know his own boundary.  “LET THEM GO AND LEAVE US ALONE IN PEACE”.

Challenges of Life-- Chapter 2

How The Struggle Started
Some elders of Akogah Empire are seen seated. Including Mr. Abu-Bakr the CDC, updating the elders in council and the Community DevelopmentAssociation Executives, the current security situation in the land. Abu-Bakr stood before the elders and reported! My elders, my well respected head of Akogah Empire and other executives here present. “I went round town recently to see to the situation of security in our great nation, only to find the gate that lead to the zoo imprecisely left opened. I saw the lions. Elephant, tigers, leopard & est. scattered all over. As I am speaking to you now, my elders, I don’t know how many humans that have been devoured by these beasts. The kingdom is in great turmoil. Since our pets, our weapon of domination has become wild and difficult to handle.
Uwaila, an elder from one of the clans in the district stood up and said; “stop speaking to us in riddles Abu-Bakr. We don’t accept talking to us in such manner, since we don’t understand it. Tell us the story the way it is because we all know this empire as well as you does. And its very obvious that we don’t have a zoo in Akogah land so, were does the animals came from? Go straight to the point and unravel the riddles by yourself”.
Usman the vigilante chairman in his bid to assist or guide his boss, stood up and said, my elders, I think I understand what my leader, Abu-Bakr is trying to say. It is about Omene the youth leader who has assembled more than 500 youths from this kingdom to rebel against this legally constituted authority. We met them exhibiting treason against the leadership of Akogah empire, we went to him as we heard that he was infusing hatred in the hearts of the humble youths of Akogah, telling them that he has taking over leadership and that he is now the new leader of the land. He also said that the youth are not treated fairly and that it is the resources from their territorial environment or district alone that is impelling the entire Akogah Empire.
My leader l recognize that the chief security officer, Mr. Abu-Bakr told him to end the convention and convey his grievances to the authority through democratic means, but he rejected and continue his protest.
What do we do about this situation now my elders? Ask Anam the chairman of elders’ council.
Do we not know what to do? Exclaimed Abdu-karin the present leader of Akogah Empire! Get them all arrested of course and throw them into the cage, “All Of Them”. If Omene and his supporters are thrown into the dark room (prison), peace and tranquility will return back to this Empire.
But Alero stood up and commented;my people, my fathers, my elders, my well respected leader, I want us to understand that the people we are talking about here are our children, our brothers, our clansmen, our husbands the proposed future leaders of this great Akogah Empire. We ought not to harm them, we should not hurt them, we don’t even need to threaten them neither should we think of sending them to prison. Our responsibility is to know what their grievances are, and address it honourably. Our forefathers are watching, our ancestors are looking at every step we will take in respect of this development. Even our Akogah constitution may not be in support of such actions, if we critically read through-it, with enthusiasm and optimism. We will come to understand the extent and value of the content therein; if we know, we won’t even contemplate imprisoning our children for no just cause. Rather, to care for them and train them to work and walk in the way of our God.

Take her out! Oh!! Take Alero out of this hall. She’s not for us I’m certain that she must be a spy sent to convince us to succumb to the wishes of these children. Chanted Abdul–karin
This act of bully must stop! Said Osaro we are not sure we can take it anymore from anyone, not even from our well respected leader, Henceforth. We won’t be a part of these intimidations and bullying on elders because they don’t buy into our ideas which they were not made to understand. In any of our subsequent meetings, everyone should be given equal opportunity to speak-out his or her view. We don’t want to be intimidated, anymore, or being roboted.
We are elders’ statesmen, Honorable people in this land. Even the outside world fears us, why then should we begin to kill and roast ourselves for meal? Since Alero’s view was not inappropriate, I concur to it. Let us call our grieving youths and ask them what has resulted to this sudden change of attitude towards us their fathers and diligently address it.
Musa in hesitation to such idea, said in a roaring tone, “if they are really our children they must obey us. Our children are supposed to obey whatever we, their parents say and abide by all our resolutions”.
Uwaila cuts in and said I support Mrs. Alero and Mr. Osaro. Gone are those days when our children adhere to whatever we say. Everything has changed now. We should understand that the world is now a global community where everyone meet and discuss together their various problems and proffer solutions to it by themselves. Maybe our children have informed their friends about the way we have been treating them and someone else may have given them a solution we don’t like. I advice that we invite them and find out from them what their gripes are. Then we will know how well to put it right
Pa. Uwaila emphasizes the point by repeating “Let us call our children together and ask them what their grievances are! Let us show them real love in order for us to know what their annoyance is and the possible solutions we as parents can offer for it”.
Mr. Abdul-karin proved deaf ears to the suggestions and views of other elders in the meeting and started to puff up saying; I am in power now. And as the head of the leadership of this empire it is my duty to take any action I deemed fit to put everything in order. I am in power. The power belongs to us. We, from the Wabudu clan are the real owner of Akogah Empire. No one can stripe us of this right. Get Omene and his group Arrested and send them straight to prison.
Soon after the main conference, some elders were seen gathered in clusters probably reasoning and discussing on what next could happen in the land. By this time, the elders did not mingle together. Rather, they gather by clan, by tribe and by people. The focus is first on those from south-south the Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle Clans.
Pa Uwaila, Osaro and Alero were present; Alero was having the expression of fear as she was talking. She said! My brothers, I have seen both sides. In the Omene camp, there was bitterness all over him when he was narrating to us how he has been used all these while by our brothers from, Habekona, Noribalu and the wabudu clans, and to his eventual dumping. He said all the killings and maiming that has been going on in this empire was orchestrated by these evil brothers of ours, he said, they made the youth hate themselves. He even inform all present to take statistics of the people living in our surrounding communities and see that the number of older ones has outraged the younger people and this could be security danger for us.