Why Drink Alkaline Ionized Water? THE BASICS.
Water, The chemistry of life.

            Whenever we attempt to determine whether there is life as we know it on Mars or other planets, scientists first seek to establish whether or not water is present. Why? Because life on earth totally depends on water.

          A High percentage of living things, both plant and animal are found in water. All life on earth is thought to have arisen from water. The bodies of all living organisms are composed largely of water. About 70 to 90 percent of all organic matter is water.

          The chemical reactions in all plants and animals that support life take place in a water medium . Water not only provides the medium to make these life sustaining reactions possible, but water itself is often an important reactant or product of these reactions. In short, the chemistry of life is water chemistry.
Water, the universal solvent

          Water is a universal, superb solvent due to the marked polarity of the water molecule and its tendency to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules. One water molecule, expressed with the chemical symbol H2O, consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

Water the Chemistry of Life - Cont
         Standing alone, the hydrogen atom contains one positive proton at its core with one negative electron revolving around it in a three-dimensional shell. Oxygen, on the other hand, contains 8 protons in its nucleus with 8 electrons revolving around it. This is often shown in chemical notation as the letter O surrounded by eight dots representing 4 sets of paired electrons. 

         The single hydrogen electron and the 8 electrons of oxygen are the key to the chemistry of life because this is where hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form a water molecule, or split to form ions.
Hydrogen tends to ionize by losing its single electron and form single H+ ions, which are simply isolated protons since the hydrogen atom contains no neutrons. A hydrogen bond occurs when the electron of a single hydrogen atom is shared with another electronegative atom such as oxygen that lacks an electron.

Spotlight on Opportunities for Youth and Others

This prospect-search expansion program is expected to create a Spotlight on Opportunities for mainly Rural Youth including others whose urge is to become great. This plan will highlight some of the critical issues facing the graduates, parents and guardians who find it difficult to meet their financial obligations towards their families. women and other farmers in the rural areas. it will also highlight the roles stakeholders must play in order for more young people living in rural areas to have access to (formal and informal) employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Since this will break the cycles of poverty and transform rural economies. 

If the various stakeholders in our communities/localities deemed it fit to support this development, they have lots to gain from working to assist the youths gain financial autonomy. Additionally, it will convene to a diverse group of stakeholders, ranging from youth development specialists, Political Leaders, to agricultural specialists, to appreciate what value chain mean to our economic growth, and how to accomplish it. These distinct communities of stakeholders will tackle complex challenges together, often for the first time, and define next step needed to be taken to increase the knowledge and technological advancement of the various participants/beneficiaries. While promoting cross-sector collaboration.
For the purpose of this discussion, mean one of the leading online health and wellness information provider, massivesave provide health information on a wide range of health conditions and subjects. It is a platform for you to ‘have your say’ on current health and wellness issues and a place to find in-depth and trusted information. It is certain therefore that this could mean the fountain of wealth we envisage for. Because when you assist someone with either the massivesave health products or informations, you are paid Dollars for it.

Part of what this program will focus on will be to creating a better, happier, healthier you. It's all about feeling good, looking good, and enjoying life. In massivesave, we believe that nothing is more important than your physical, mental and spiritual health. After all, if you don't have your health, what do you have? Nothing! You can't enjoy life to the fullest, if you are sick. Wellness, health and fitness are composed of many elements, each playing an important role in your overall well-being.

 This Spotlight will ponder on what you need to do to be certified as an achiever in massivesave. And the idea behind this program is that every prospect should be assisted by their sponsors to understand what the business is all about, what is expected to be done by every member, and the expectation they should have in mind at every step and the best possible way they will achieve it.

 Sponsors are anticipated to have understood the program and should strive very hard to lecture all his/her prospect never to promote any referral link until he/she has fully PAID his MEMBERSHIP registration payment.  Although it is possible to get registered and preserve a user name, he/she wont be able to enjoy the registration unless the account has been dully activated.

Massivesave business opportunity is a journey and everyone who have a reason to head towards that direction may possibly come across the following questions. Don’t quiver, there are some suggested responses also provided. If you effectively apply them, these points may be the lead-way to your success 

Empowerment Opportunity

This prospect-search expansion program is expected to create a Spotlight on Opportunities for mainly Rural Youth including others whose urge is to become great. This plan will highlight some of the critical issues facing the graduates, parents and guardians who find it difficult to meet their financial obligations towards their families. women and other farmers in the rural areas. it will also highlight the roles stakeholders must play in order for more young people living in rural areas to have access to (formal and informal) employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Since this will break the cycles of poverty and transform rural economies. 

If the various stakeholders in our communities/localities deemed it fit to support this development, they have lots to gain from working to assist the youths gain financial autonomy. Additionally, it will convene to a diverse group of stakeholders, ranging from youth development specialists, Political Leaders, to agricultural specialists, to appreciate what value chain mean to our economic growth, and how to accomplish it. These distinct communities of stakeholders will tackle complex challenges together, often for the first time, and define next step needed to be taken to increase the knowledge and technological advancement of the various participants/beneficiaries. While promoting cross-sector collaboration.

Part of what this program will focus on will be to creating a better, happier, healthier you. It's all about feeling good, looking good, and enjoying life. We believe that nothing is more important than your physical, mental and spiritual health. After all, if you don't have your health, what do you have? Nothing. You can't enjoy life to the fullest if you sick. Wellness, health and fitness is composed of many elements, each playing an important role in your overall well-being.

Prosatel: Water and the Human Cells.

Prosatel: Water and the Human Cells.:         However, modern
lifestyle generates too much acid, from emotional stress and from what we put
into our body: the food, drinks, pollution and most prescription drugs, many of
which are preserved with hydrochloric acid... Metabolism,

Acidic Body and Stress

      Acid is said to have a detrimental effect on the body as it can cause enzymatic disturbances and
disheartenment, it can also have an actual aggressive effect on organic tissues. Signs of acidification in the body are numerous. They include fatigue, nervousness and agitation, sensitive gums, acid, diarrhoea, dry skin, burning in the bladder, osteoporosis, arthritis and leg cramps, to name but a few.

Stress has a negative influence on the body’s pH simply by upsetting natural homeostasis. The brain is first to experience the changes, as a surge of hormones causes intense alertness which prevents sleep or relaxation. The hypothalamus is, meanwhile, suppressed, preventing the release of ‘feel good’ hormones. Not surprisingly, the body becomes irritable and aggressive as moods and concentration are affected.

Stress makes us take short, shallow breaths and increases our heart rate. Blood pressure rises as the hormones epinephrine and cortisol are produced. Extreme and constant stress can even prevent blood from clotting and lower white blood cell count. Blood insulin levels are raised causing hunger, and as stress tenses up our body the brain sends chemical messages to the muscles which tightens them and prepares them for action. Messages are also sent to the digestive tract to slow digestion, resulting in indigestion and colon spasm.

Meanwhile, the modern diet is acid forming and any given population in the Western industrialized world can demonstrate this. There has been a huge increase in the consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol. Acid-forming proteins, cereals and sugars have become our dietary mainstay, whilst acid-neutralizing alkaline foods, such as vegetables are eaten in limited amounts. Tobacco, although not a consumable, provides toxic substances taken in and utilized by the body. Not surprisingly, these cause acidification. Exercise in moderation helps to control the acid-alkaline balance. But if insufficient or excessive, it contributes to discrepancies in a healthy pH balance.