Water and the Human Cells.

          Even when the sky appears at its darkest, know that the sun shines upon you, that love surrounds you, and that the pure Light within you will guide your way home. So trust the process of your life unfolding, and know with certainty, through the peaks and valleys of your journey, that your soul rests safe and secure in the arms of Spir...it. So be guided, as many have been guided, and know the peace of love

          Protoplasm is the basic material of living cells, and it is made of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, salts, and similar elements combined with water. Water acts as a solvent, transporting, combining, and chemically breaking down these substances. 

          A cell exchanges elements with the rest of the body by electrolysis, and in a normal case, minerals and micro elements pass through the cell membrane to the nucleus by electro-osmosis. The body needs electrolytes (minerals like sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate) for its basic functions. In case of water shortage, the electrolyzes cannot happen and our cells dry out and die. Therefore, in order to keep our cells hydrated, our body's electrochemical balance and stay alive we need water

The human body is 75% water in the form of acid (H+) and alkaline (OH-) ions. A healthy body is alkaline (pH >7) inside, with an abundance of OH- ions, which provide the oxygen we need. However, modern lifestyle generates too much acid, from emotional stress and from what we put into our body: the food, drinks, pollution and most prescription drugs, many of which are preserved with hydrochloric acid... Metabolism, cellular destruction and exercise also produce acids.

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