Access to bright future has been created through a workable program designed by GolemGlobal Network Company.
When you register with the sum of N5, 400= in this company, you automatically become a GOLD member with golemglobal. And you will be entitled or licensed to enjoy all the followings.
Among all these privileges you will enjoy, will be made possible if you’re able to pinpoint your marketing strategy from among these working tools, and utilizing it to actualize your dreams.

Earn on purchase and discount benefits:
Every registered members or associates of GolemGlobal will be given the privilege to buy any kind of products from GolemGlobal e-commerce superstore and earn commission from what they buy. They will also be given guarantee for whatever they purchase from Golem shop. Every Golem member will also have the credence to introduce buyers to the store and earn introducers or resellers profit from any products purchase by the customers. It is also ascertained that every registered member of the company will get discount from whatever they buy for themselves from the shop. Whereas, everything sold by GolemGlobal shop are certified to be original and with guarantee.

Free medical services and e-commerce training
As a give back and support for the good health for all GolemGlobal members or associates, the company has designed a monthly FREE medical checkup or free health support for its members. This program is conducted for all members and non-members alike in their various operational ground or in a selected location the company deem it fit to offer such privilege in a given month. The company also help its members to enjoy free training on computer appreciation, also known as the “the basis of computer” mainly in the area that will help the beneficiaries to excel in his or her GolemGlobal e-commerce businesses.
NOTE: that any training you’re given by this Golemglobal Empowerment Scheme is expected to assist you in all aspects of life. Skills acquisition training, loans, business, ideas builders and career development

From time to time, GolemGlobal Company organizes free Skill Acquisition Training of all sorts ranging from
Soap making
Latest fashion designs
Bag and bead making
Body cream making
House paint making etc
These opportunities are given in order to help members and other interested non-members to create self employment opportunity for themselves, with this support Golem calls, give back, to the community.

Successful students that passed through the training programs are offered certificate to qualify them as certified and qualified student in that line of skill.
The company also offers to zealous and loyal members the opportunity to enjoy loan services. This loan is free of interest and collateral. And it is up to the tune of 1 million Naira plus.

GolemGlobal also helps its registered members to develop their business ideas and also to propel them on their ambition to become successful in life.
The company teaches its members or associates new business skills and encourages them on how to work toward making their careers durable, productive and sustainable.
Real estate “property management” and financial empowerment
The company will acquire a large expanse of land and educate its members on ways to market the land and get benefits from it.
The knowledge acquired from this training combined with the certification to be given to the beneficiaries by the company will go a long way in putting good food in the table of the participants helping them to put their children in good schools, it will also provide opportunity for them to own a house of their own in that estate and also live a lifestyle of their dream.
When the beneficiaries are able to utilize the opportunities hereby provided by this company, no doubt he/she will be able to hit his hand in his chest confidently and conclude with GolemGlobal, “I am out of my financial enslavement”
Online network business and Cash Back reward system
The foundation that all GolemGlobal opportunities provided herein is laid, so that all its members, by this great and human caring company can become useful to themselves and to their families.

This is the online networking aspect of the company where you practicalized all that has been taught you as outlined from the beginning of this story (what GolemGlobal offers).
This aspect of the business can be propelled offline and activated online. This is the areas where you really start enjoying your initial registration of N5, 400=. Take note that there’s no other registration fee to be paid. The once off registration you paid at the onset, qualifies you to enjoy this online aspect of the business, where you enjoys N1, 000= instantly from anyone you introduce/register to the company directly.
Every member interested in this aspect of the business are expected to register only two people directly in his team

Take note: you can register as many people as you wish, but only two people are directly registered to you. Others are spilled over to your down-lines, but you can keep enjoying the instant cash back of N1, 000= from all of them.

GolemGlobal working formula
There’s need for us at this point to elucidate on how GolemGlobal put good money in your pockets. There are stages attached; that the system is expected to run with. The different matrixes are
Entry stage
Leader stage
Executive leader stage
Director stage
Eagle director stage
Ambassador stage
The alumni stage
In every stage you attain in GolemGlobal, you’re always enriched. You are financially empowered and your financial base is made to robust

Now that you’re in the executive leader’s stage, you have a lot to gain but still, you must first assist 14 leaders to upgrade and meet you there….

In the director’s matrix, here is where basic maturity of a standard networker comes in. since your assigned responsibility that will make you prove you’re worth and valued is given to you. It is imagined that you are in the refining process because, you have the responsibility to help thirty (30) executive leader to join you in the directors stage.

As soon as the 30th person in this matrix table drops, that is 15 people in your right leg, and 15 people at the left side, you automatically becomes a proud owner of a brand new car with the aforementioned backups.

On completion of the directors stage and having been given all incentives qualified for, your next point of base is the eagle directors stage where you are expected to stay a little while because from the hand writing on the wall, you won’t stay long here.
Although you raised 30 directors here, you only need to lift 14 directors to your stage to step out of there. That means, if you have 14 directors in your team, you will qualify as an eagle director. Expected to enjoy the following

On successfully completing the Eagle Director’s stage, you step out into the ambassador matrix
In this ambassador stage you are also expected to guide 14 persons from the eagle director’s stage to meet you here in the same stage. Where you gracefully and satisfactorily, successfully satisfy the GolemGlobal Company’s requirements and therefore qualify for the followings

Then you will be officially confirmed with the award of esteemed members of the Alumni club of GolemGlobal where you will be entitles to $1,400 from everyone that drops on your table for life (Retirement Stage)

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