They Must Leave Us Alone -- Challenges of Life

Alero, in her usual mild tune said; “we are content with the size and type of land we have. Our soil is fertile and productive. We love our brothers and sisters that God has given to us; because they are hospitable, loving and liberal, we even tried our best to show sincere love to these people that claimed to be our brothers. Instead of reciprocating our love, they rather prefer to be sucking our precious blood.

Despite that, We still decided to accommodate them and also to be hospitable to them, believing they are ignorant of what they're doing. But what do we get in return?

They repay us with abhorrence by taking over our rights and inheritance.
They maimed us, drove us away from our homes and set it on fire, they pursue us as far to our farms… they rape our wives in our very presence, killed our husbands, they even make their animal make love to our beautiful daughters, after which they feed their animals with the produce from our farms’.

They took over our inheritance by force, they make us refugee in our own land. “THEY MUST LEAVE US ALONE OR WE LEAVE THEM FOR GOOD”

Come to think of it, said Uwaila…. Do you force someone to become your brother or friend? Can you make a total stranger your brother when both of you are not from the same parents? Should you force someone to live with you against his wish? Will you force a donkey to the river and also force it to drink water because you own it? Even when the donkey is not thirsty? That's what they are doing to us.

OH! What a world, where the person you gave your house to for rent, eventually claimed ownership to it. These people claimed to be in possession of the sword and guns and left the pen in our possession. We still did not complain because we know that a pen is not ammunition that you can use to kill someone. To avoid problems, we accepted it.

Since they understand that we don't have ammunitions they have brought fight to us in our own homes.

Now, how can we retaliate since they are in possession of both the guns and the swords. Come to think of it, if both the swords and guns are put together can they really defeat us that have the pen if we actually make professional use of it?

 On the basis of truth, the guns and the sword on one side, and the pen on the other side, which is more powerful? Is it not the Sword and Gun? Even with them having the large part of the inheritance, Why do they not want to still leave us alone even with a pen that cannot harm?

We became content with the pen because we have never intended to fight neither to kill anyone. Our weapon of penetration is a powerful gift that the creator has endowed us with which is ‘Knowledge, Wisdom and understanding’. These, they don’t have.

Omene cried out from behind! My fathers and mothers, all your sayings are correct. These words are very excellent and candid. In fact they are wise sayings. REALLY! The Words Of Our Fathers. But what we must understand is that these cunning brothers of ours has captured us and wish to treat us like a crocodile.
They are trying to open our mouth very wide to the extent that our jaws will be broken. If they succeed, won’t we all die? It’s clear and accepted that we have made errors in the past but now that we’ve realize it and are looking for ways to amend our past mistakes that has led us to this verge of destruction, if we don’t take proper action now and very quickly too, our districts will be wiped out of history.

Do you know that l, Omene, is like a slave in my own father’s house, presently?
My father’s servants are now sending me on errands and if I reject, they’ll flog nonsense out of me. They have resorted to using a very long whip to flog gibberish from my skull always.
They even call me by strange names. The names my parents never gave to me.

These ones are supposed to be the slaves my father originally employed to serve me. They have succeeded in turning me to the slave of the house.

My fathers and mothers, remember I told you earlier what they made me do. There are lots of mistakes we must start correcting, and it should start now. Because they are already very angry and bitter with some of us since many of us which previously serves as (their tools) have realized our mistakes and denounced them.

 Whoever can or wish to, should please take me by hand and lead me to my Brother that I have foolishly offended. I’m yearning to see him face to face, one on one, hearth to hearth, so that I can apologize to him.

I want to go and confess all the atrocities I carried out against him, and seek for his genuine forgiveness.

If he pardons me, I will tell him many ills I’m aware of that these evil brothers of ours wish to accomplish against him. These acts are expected to be get-done a short while from now.

I have pleaded guilty to you My Fathers! My Mothers! My brothers, sisters, and our wives. Nothing else is reserved except that the Habekona’s, Wabudu’s and the Noribalu people are just paid actors that depend on a script written by other professionals, which we’re far better than.
If my clansman, the former head of Akogah Empire really forgive me, I will help him to rewrite the script and allow them to play in accordance to our wish. They won’t know when I’ll change the original script they have, with the one that contains our desire.

I can make the power of the script be in our authority. I can make the actions change to any type of motion we wished. Why we still use them as the actors to play what we have in the papers as I earlier promised.    

My people! They are noise makers. They don’t know anything; they can only strive where there is no law. For us to quickly and easily subdue them we should try to work on our constitution, and make our laws effective. With that development alone, they are gone.

Yes! I know that they have a mission.
To think of it, why should I not know it anyway when I’ve been with them for such a long time, and even work for them? Helping them to plan coup against my own blood brother and doing everything to make their wish materialize?

My People! Don’t Fear! Don’t Even Panic. If they want it as war, we will package it beautifully and present it to them; I’m very sure they won’t reject it. Since they appreciate beautiful things.

But if they request for peace, we will also be able to give it to them, as their soul does desire. The most important tool we need now to quicken our victory is UNITY, TOGETHERNESS, and Absolute SINCERITY within our fold.
I, Omene am assuring you my people. Don’t Fear! Let’s hold a common cord and cling to it tightly without consenting to any loop-hole that may make our enemy penetrate us. Since they can never penetrate us if we don't create a hole in our relationship; a space to link in to us.

With this workable tool in our safekeeping, we will eventually become a victor.
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