We have not reached the climax yet! We are still in the decision making time. And from the way the system is designed, there’s not going to be extra time or injury time.
Therefore the decision you make now determines whether you’re in or outside. This is the place, the home that all known and successful MLM networkers wished to be.
All what you desired for is bound to be offered to you here. It may be new in its flesh the likes of MasterCard, Etranzact, Elinet Solutions and others major partners you can trust are in a collaboration with ESClubs. You can also become a top stake holder with us and enjoy 2% from whatever profit made from our worldwide platform. To enjoy this benefit, please clickhere or call: 08171749029 for instant support

ESClubs International

It is not own by any individual. It a product and program of Etranzact, in partnership with MasterCard. But because a home based company, a channel by which they can reach the grassroots easily is needed; Elinet solution Nigeria enterprise was patronized to serve as the company representatives/Engine Room in the country
The product the company deals on is MasterCard among the services render is mobile payment and internet marketing system.

ESClubs is a widely visited site, hence advertising your product, services and idea. There will bring you closer to the people, they offer free skill acquisition to members
Free ICT trainings, where interested members are trained on how to become our e-recharge agent that get commission from all MasterCard recharge and also enjoy commission from our bulk sms program. The company also offers…….. is set to develop modern and workable support machinery. That is perfectly effective enough to positively affect all lives that find haven in her.
Originally, man was not made to suffer. Rather, to enjoy all the good things that has been provided for them on earth by the creator.
But at a point, the vision was truncated and everything about the original design was negatively affected.

1i.  The middle class was permanently detached.
2ii.  Those not very rich were now regarded as unintelligent and unwise (those without sense)
3iii.  These upper class citizens that claimed to be rich had vehemently seized everything that belongs to everyone
4iv.   Easy loan offer has been removed from among the grassroots class
5v.   Banks refuse to borrow micro loan to small and medium entrepreneurs
6vi.   Many rich persons volunteer to close the doors and opportunities set out for those in the masses.

Even the government at various levels reject those in the grassroots and embezzled all incentives and benefits accrued to them.
Happily though, ESClubs international, a company with a web force has created a platform to merge both the rich and poor and to ensure that all in the grassroots objectively take over their proper place.
call prosatel for support on 08171749029


When ESClubs international was mentioned to people at the initial state of starting up or when it was officially commencing its operation in Nigeria recently, people though it was going to kick start and automatically went off again, since the product they market seem not to be on the people’s advantage . But to God be the Glory the company is waxing very strong, day by day. People are grasping the full picture and meaning of the product they offer (ESClubs ATM MasterCard).

People are rushing for it because this is the ATM payment system that you not need to stay all day to open an account for. Within 10 minutes of applying for the card, you are fully registered to the automated teller machine payment/transaction system.

We are happy to inform you here that ESClubs international first membership award ceremony where the company shall appreciate the effort of its hardworking members is about to take place. you can still qualify to grab one of its incentives, please click here to join now.

1. Would you like to be a part of this memorable occasion?
2. Will you be among the beneficiaries?
3. Are you ready to walk this path with us?
4. Will you work it out with us?

You can still join the incentives and claim your awards by paying your registration of $30 or N6, 000 to…….
Acct. Name: Elinet Solutions Enterprise
Bank Name: Fidelity Bank
Acct No.: 4011068410
What are you still waiting for? Hope to be with you on incentives/award presentation day.
Take Note! PROSATEL is your sponsor.


In our present day system, short-cuts are adjudged one of the best success routes to consider. Many people are tracing it and finding it. But would you support that every way should be short cut or quick way?
The fact is that short cut is ideal if it’s well designed and properly utilized. But this does not make it ESClubs BEST way: There exists a short cut that you don’t know, it seems sparkling and admirable. It leads to failure and disappointment and ESClubs is strictly against using such route. 

Therefore to succeed fast in ESClubs, avoid the generally accepted shortcut and go for the fast but genuine route. There seems unto a man, a road so systematic, and extensive. This is a short cut that many people have thread, and today they are millionaire. It’s only smart and intelligent people that are finding and passing through it.

Have you identified the fast and genuine route? Please click then, click registration.


Have been privileged to read this story before? Nonetheless, many people have read it over and over again. And found out that, it is the same old story. The story of why most people never get out of poverty. Even when they started the journey to wealth in a bold and grand style. Let's read through it once again.

Mr. Alison was a young brilliant, active and optimistic man of just 22 years old when he embarked on this voyage. He became convinced that this journey will be successful, after being persuaded that he will find a diamond mine if he have access to the document (GEOGRAPHICAL MAP) that contain the actual direction that leads to where the diamond mine is.

The document was eventually handed over to Alison and he embarked on the journey. During this period of venture, Mr. Alison passed through chicks and thorns. Through the thick forest and the dangerous high mountains. Alison sailed through the deep blue sea, he break mighty rocks, and fell huge trees, just to make his way through to the diamond mine. When became in contact with dangerous animals her defeated them because he was strengthened by the reality of finding the diamond.

With the confidence that he is in the right track, he continued into the thick dark forest just to get the diamond. After searching trailing the route for about 30 years, Alison arrived the precised point/location where he's sure to find the diamond. Unfortunately he met with a rock that needs to be cracked before the diamond becomes visible. He has no other option than to commence cracking it. This he did.

Mr. Alison started cracking the rock when he attained age 52. He commenced the cracking, and did it till when he was about 65 years old. By this time, it was remaining few hits to break the record when eventually, Mr. Alison got fed up and doubted his ability to reach where the diamond is.

Oh!!! Mr. Alison resented and fought against his confidence, and even the guarding document he once trusted. These whole action took place just few hours to hit the diamond. HE STOPPED THE SEARCH, packed all his belongings and embark on his journey home with the understanding that there is no diamond there.

If you have not read this story before, now that you are reading it
1.     What do you learn from this story?
2.     What do you intend to do with this story?
3.     Do you want to be compared to Mr. Alison?
4.     What would you have done, that's different from that of Mr. Alison?
Please patiently wait For the complete story/ final story.

Oh Mr. Alison! You have wasted all your years away
All your hope to become successful in life has been twarted
Old age has crept in and wear you away
You have become a bad example for others
Because, you didn't apply discernment when required.
You have entirely failed and you may die a pauper because of the wrong decision you have taken.
For this cause, you will depend on others for survival.


This component of the company, also known as the Poverty Bullet, has been set up to cater for the needs of mainly the less privileged ones in our society. It is a program designed to enable the company keep some savings somewhere to actualize its plan of helping those sincerely in need, among our people to receive help from ESClubs international. Other individuals and organizations expected to support this plan by voluntarily contributing towards realizing this mental picture and sustaining it are:
v ESClubs international Registered Members:- The fund from these members will be compulsory voluntary contributions (that means all members/executives of will have a set aside amount to be contributed to the humanitarian support program of the conglomerate).

v Corporate and individual donors:- this will comprise companies that have love and feelings for those suffering, for people that does not have anyone to cater for them.  Corporate and individual with the means to assist these ones may wish to donate something through ESClubs platform to help these less privileged ones. Esclubs is in a better channel to project this help and support to these our brothers and sisters in need because, they have the machinery to bring them together to ascertain what their problems and requirements really are and forwarding same to them.

v ESClubs humanitarian support savings. The company ESClubs international has also set aside amount from their appropriation bill to encourage and support the humanitarian support program. The savings is an amount set aside by the company from every registration made in order to actualize this plan. This is the official provision by the company to support this program.
 ESClubs as a company understand that when situation get worst for the people, that is “if the people try their best to make lie meaningful for themselves but failed, mostly when they don’t belong to the political or the other side that can easily be assisted by the government in authority, there's tendency that…..” many negative ideas would continue to develop in their hearts. At this time, it becomes so dangerous for the people around them. And  if the thought in their hearts are allowed to be born, it becomes a disaster for the society. To avoid this bad trend, there is need to develop a process or program to overcome it. Of which the HSDP stands for.
ESClubs being an organization that has feeling for the people facing such financial and moral deficiency understand that although these persons really wish to do something to enhance their survival,  finding financial means to start a petty business always posed a threat to them. These persons affected, fall into different categories and ESClubs HSDP has been set up to handle such issues

This section of ESClubs international, has identified the classes of people who might primarily become beneficiaries of this program, the under mentioned are the first or initial set of people who can participate in, or benefit from the ESClubs HSDP offer
1.      People that are eager to start up business but genuinely does not have enough funds for it.
2.      People that are looking for what (job) to do but does not know how to access one.
3.      People that have money to do business but cannot identify the appropriate business he can handle successfully.
4.      People that want to donate to help others critically in need of assistance.
5.      People that have material or financial support to give to those in need but does not know how to reach/locate those desperately in need.
6.      People that want to receive training in any kind of skills but don’t have the financial means to access it.
7.      People that longed for ICT knowledge but does not know how to attain it without charge.
8.      People that wish to invest in ESClubs for the purpose of raising more fund to sponsor young intelligent student for free scholarship
9.      People that need direct customers to purchase their goods at a considerable price.
10. People that feels they can become representatives of ESClubs international in their various places of aboard but does not know how to go about it.
This Esclubs Humanitarian Support Developmental Program department is held in high esteem by the management of the company. And door of partnership and contributions is open. You can use any of these links to make contributions, invest, and apply for help and support.