This component of the company, also known as the Poverty Bullet, has been set up to cater for the needs of mainly the less privileged ones in our society. It is a program designed to enable the company keep some savings somewhere to actualize its plan of helping those sincerely in need, among our people to receive help from ESClubs international. Other individuals and organizations expected to support this plan by voluntarily contributing towards realizing this mental picture and sustaining it are:
v ESClubs international Registered Members:- The fund from these members will be compulsory voluntary contributions (that means all members/executives of will have a set aside amount to be contributed to the humanitarian support program of the conglomerate).

v Corporate and individual donors:- this will comprise companies that have love and feelings for those suffering, for people that does not have anyone to cater for them.  Corporate and individual with the means to assist these ones may wish to donate something through ESClubs platform to help these less privileged ones. Esclubs is in a better channel to project this help and support to these our brothers and sisters in need because, they have the machinery to bring them together to ascertain what their problems and requirements really are and forwarding same to them.

v ESClubs humanitarian support savings. The company ESClubs international has also set aside amount from their appropriation bill to encourage and support the humanitarian support program. The savings is an amount set aside by the company from every registration made in order to actualize this plan. This is the official provision by the company to support this program.
 ESClubs as a company understand that when situation get worst for the people, that is “if the people try their best to make lie meaningful for themselves but failed, mostly when they don’t belong to the political or the other side that can easily be assisted by the government in authority, there's tendency that…..” many negative ideas would continue to develop in their hearts. At this time, it becomes so dangerous for the people around them. And  if the thought in their hearts are allowed to be born, it becomes a disaster for the society. To avoid this bad trend, there is need to develop a process or program to overcome it. Of which the HSDP stands for.
ESClubs being an organization that has feeling for the people facing such financial and moral deficiency understand that although these persons really wish to do something to enhance their survival,  finding financial means to start a petty business always posed a threat to them. These persons affected, fall into different categories and ESClubs HSDP has been set up to handle such issues

This section of ESClubs international, has identified the classes of people who might primarily become beneficiaries of this program, the under mentioned are the first or initial set of people who can participate in, or benefit from the ESClubs HSDP offer
1.      People that are eager to start up business but genuinely does not have enough funds for it.
2.      People that are looking for what (job) to do but does not know how to access one.
3.      People that have money to do business but cannot identify the appropriate business he can handle successfully.
4.      People that want to donate to help others critically in need of assistance.
5.      People that have material or financial support to give to those in need but does not know how to reach/locate those desperately in need.
6.      People that want to receive training in any kind of skills but don’t have the financial means to access it.
7.      People that longed for ICT knowledge but does not know how to attain it without charge.
8.      People that wish to invest in ESClubs for the purpose of raising more fund to sponsor young intelligent student for free scholarship
9.      People that need direct customers to purchase their goods at a considerable price.
10. People that feels they can become representatives of ESClubs international in their various places of aboard but does not know how to go about it.
This Esclubs Humanitarian Support Developmental Program department is held in high esteem by the management of the company. And door of partnership and contributions is open. You can use any of these links to make contributions, invest, and apply for help and support.

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