Have been privileged to read this story before? Nonetheless, many people have read it over and over again. And found out that, it is the same old story. The story of why most people never get out of poverty. Even when they started the journey to wealth in a bold and grand style. Let's read through it once again.

Mr. Alison was a young brilliant, active and optimistic man of just 22 years old when he embarked on this voyage. He became convinced that this journey will be successful, after being persuaded that he will find a diamond mine if he have access to the document (GEOGRAPHICAL MAP) that contain the actual direction that leads to where the diamond mine is.

The document was eventually handed over to Alison and he embarked on the journey. During this period of venture, Mr. Alison passed through chicks and thorns. Through the thick forest and the dangerous high mountains. Alison sailed through the deep blue sea, he break mighty rocks, and fell huge trees, just to make his way through to the diamond mine. When became in contact with dangerous animals her defeated them because he was strengthened by the reality of finding the diamond.

With the confidence that he is in the right track, he continued into the thick dark forest just to get the diamond. After searching trailing the route for about 30 years, Alison arrived the precised point/location where he's sure to find the diamond. Unfortunately he met with a rock that needs to be cracked before the diamond becomes visible. He has no other option than to commence cracking it. This he did.

Mr. Alison started cracking the rock when he attained age 52. He commenced the cracking, and did it till when he was about 65 years old. By this time, it was remaining few hits to break the record when eventually, Mr. Alison got fed up and doubted his ability to reach where the diamond is.

Oh!!! Mr. Alison resented and fought against his confidence, and even the guarding document he once trusted. These whole action took place just few hours to hit the diamond. HE STOPPED THE SEARCH, packed all his belongings and embark on his journey home with the understanding that there is no diamond there.

If you have not read this story before, now that you are reading it
1.     What do you learn from this story?
2.     What do you intend to do with this story?
3.     Do you want to be compared to Mr. Alison?
4.     What would you have done, that's different from that of Mr. Alison?
Please patiently wait For the complete story/ final story.

Oh Mr. Alison! You have wasted all your years away
All your hope to become successful in life has been twarted
Old age has crept in and wear you away
You have become a bad example for others
Because, you didn't apply discernment when required.
You have entirely failed and you may die a pauper because of the wrong decision you have taken.
For this cause, you will depend on others for survival.

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