The elders and youth of Edunero, Yorinle and Ibokele districts are seen putting heads together and reasoning on how to unravel the riddles already set by their brothers in power. Joined with the elders, are Alero, Omene, Uwaila, Mabel, Chukwuma, Adeyinka, Osaro, Yetunde.

Adeyinka who is the special adviser to the elders in council, stood up to address the gathering. He said! “I have heard about the internal war that has risen recently in this our great kingdom, one can easily feel the heat from it even from a distance. I’m envisaging that if caution is not taking, this may send many people to their untimely death. Therefore, I deemed it fit to be in this gathering today in order to offer some words of advice to my people on how to avoid this impending commotion.

Yetunde responded by asking Pa. Adeyinka what he was talking about that others don’t know? You are talking about internal community clash and others. Who actually is facing this situation?

Why do you pretend as if you are not aware of the malicious recital being perpetrated by these power swathed brothers of ours, retorted Omene, are you not aware that our brother, the former head of Akogah kingdom was forcefully removed from office by some curious and furious people from the Habekona, Noribalu and the Wabudu tribes? Are you not aware that they ask me to buy a diesel for them which they poured around some of the communities around and set fire on it, to my amazement they credited the havoc to the government of our brother Mr. Nickfallow Decki Where you not also an active tool in the hand of Abdul-Karin the very person who coordinated the importation of foreigners to mess up our growing democracy? Were you not with Abdul-Karin the very day he called me to his sitting room and promised the seat of the Secretary of Akogah land, if I do my best and make him wins? Where you not there when he pleaded with me to instigate the loyalist of our former leader against him and his nascent government system, in order for them to betray him in the election? Weren’t you the one that joined him (Abdul-Karin) to plead with me to assist him get the seat, knowing how desperate he was to get hold of it? Why then are you pretending now as if you are not aware of what is happening. Have you not served in that seat before? Do you not know the complication associated with it? Will you sincerely say you don’t know what out brother! Your brother, Mr. Nickfallow Decki was actually facing with the powerful people (Cabal) that claimed to own this kingdom? Where you not an instrument to pull down our brother from that esteemed seat of authority? Just because you feel he was not playing to all your dictates?

Mabel commented by asking Baba Yetunde, to help them Ask Pa. Adeyinka whether all what Omene has narrated is true.  Alero on her part cried out loudly and said, if what Omene has just said is true, then we are finished. That means we have lost our fancy, we have lost our beauty, we have lost our pride, and we have lost everything that makes us relevant. Which means we have been doomed. This is not a problem that started today so, we may also not be able to end it now.

But what should our next line of action be? Uwaila ask.
Pa. Adeyinka got furious and exploded in words; it is true that I master minded the forceful removal of our former leader, our own brother, our tribesman, what is wrong in that? What section of our law have I contravened?
Before this whole incident of taking side with these wabudu, Noribalu and the Habekona people, did I not call our brother the former head of Akogah and warned him of the impending dangers? Was he not aware that such situation that can cause his downfall was looming? Did he not understand that the relationship between all the clans & communities that make up this great Akogah land was gradually cooling off on his government? Wasn’t he aware of what was expected from him at that time to win back his people? Are you people not aware of all the errors he was making? Do you not know that he was not listening to anyone anymore? Have you forgotten about the wonderful role I played, the tedious risk I took, and how many enemies I contained because I work for our child, our brother, our own blood to come into power and repair things for us in this nation?

Have you forgotten the game I played just to succeed in my plan to ensure our people also taste this power? You people must understand that when I was in the seat of power in Akogah land, everybody fears me, they respect me, they believed me and they obeyed me. But because I put myself in the position to give my people a sense of relevance, I became a scape goat and people that were formally in trepidation when they see me, now looked down on me. Probably, because whenever I advise our past leader he does not listen to me.

But you are supposed to understand that we the elder’s statesmen of Akogah land comprehend all you did to ensure our people have a taste of the power at the peak. We know the risk, the pain and stress and the effort you put in to make sure one of our own have a taste of our father’s inheritance said Osifo, but does that warrant that you expose your sheep to the wolves because they disobeyed you?
Madam Alero in her wisdom suggested “my people, if the last information about someone is bad”, it will take a patience person a very long time to think about the many good he had done before. Therefore, even if you was the one that fought or do everything to make our past leader taste the position of leadership, Pa. Adeyinka, the thing you have done now to fight against the same person you claimed you help to rise, to fall again, has proved that you never did anything good for Prof. Nickfallow Decki We are now in a new era of things. You agreed that you work towards the fall of our brother, meaning you can also work towards the fall of all of us.
Our people demand a sincere apology from you our brother Adeyinka, Pa. Uwaifo cuts in. And you must be commissioned to lead the way to go and meet our former leader and plead with him for his forgiveness. We have been so informed that with our brother Professor Nickfallow in our mist, we can change this situation of things with ease.
At this junction, Mabel cuts in ad said, my people! The leadership of this land has been revolving around a particular circle of people who believes they are the owner of power of Akogah Kigdom, hence they have bee holding o to power for a very long time now, and we have always been affected negatively by the style of their leadership. I wonder why all of us here are blaming only our past head of Akogah of committing one error or another. Is it in his time the problems we are facing presently started, even our present head of Akogah, our brother Abdul Karin, previously ruled, and when he was at the seat rulership was it not this same problems he claimed to be solving? How old was our dear brother Nickfallow Decki then when Abdul Karin hitherto sat o that throne?
We should recognize that these dictators you have helped to overturn the government and collect leadership from your people will make sure they relegate you and make you irrelevant to yourself and to those around you in a short while. Mark my words.
His past precedents should have given you a clear glimpse of what to expect at this time Or do you think he has changed? I am not regretting since we will be in it together.

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