Challenges of Life: THE BATTLE PROPER

          As a follow up to the ongoing in the land of Akogah, Mr. Abdul-Karin the present leader has summoned all the elders and office holders in Akogah to an emergency meeting which was well attended.
In the meeting, he gave an assurance to all present that his tenure as the leader and chief security officer of the empire, will not tolerate any kind of bridge of security within and around Akogah territory. because he is prepared to make life un comfortable to anyone that posed a threat to the nation, and make it sweet for every good citizen of this empire, he said.

          But I want to assure you today that I desire to make this promise to my people which I would like all elders present in this meeting to carry along with them to the various districts and clans they represent and distribute the information’s to all his or her clansmen”. He continued; the only enemies I have in this empire are those that argue with my authority, those that contend with my power and those that feels I’m cheating on them. I will not take it lightly with these ones. Abdul-karin threatens
          I am given a direct orders today to the defense department to get rid of anyone that fits in to the description I gave earlier. Abdul-karin continued… “I permit them to insert every kinds of pain within the reach of the vigilante on these intruders. They should even put them into prison without initiating legal suite against them. Let them understand that no one challenges my authority and still remain free”.
Mabel got up to speak. She said, “My Fathers, Brothers, and Clansmen! I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to be among you in this crucial meeting today. Our dear Leader, all what you have said is true. Although I am in the youth wing in this administration, nevertheless, I have my youth to also report the outcome of this great conference to. Therefore I want to make my voice heard, I want to make my thought known, and I want to make one thing very clear.”

          “Our leader, Mr. Abdul-karin we voted you into power to lead us and not to rule us”, we………
STOP! chanted Abdul-karin ………… take her away from this gathering, Abu-Bakr and if possible throw her into the dark room until she learn that people don’t talk to me that way. And I believe others will learn from that lesson as they speak.
Mabel was taken away by the security …………………….
That is a nice step in the right direction my leader, such action shows how determined and prepared you are to take us to the promise land. Said Adamu.
Mr. Uwaila got up and ask a very simple question; “What is the bad word our daughter Mabel just said? What authority has she actually disobeyed? What crime have she committed to warrants such inhuman treatment? Why should she be treated like a slave? Have you forgotten all she has done to make your coming into power become a reality? I want to call on our Father Aderemi who puts all required machineries together to set up this party, to wake us and rise to these challenges that will soon tear this party and the entire empire to pieces and if possible break up the pillars that holds the four corners of this great kingdom empire.” Mr. Abdul-Karin our dear leader, you should give an order instructing Abu-Bakr to return Mabel, our Daughters back to this meeting hall because she has not done anything contrary to the rule of law in this land.

          Chukwuma the youth secretary got up and greeted all in attendance. I greet you all my fathers, mothers, our brothers, our wives and our leader, the great Abdul-Karin. The hard writing on the wall is very clear! If you put a pot on the stove or gas and you do not light it up, whatever is in the pot will not boil. Therefore, there’s fire boiling up what is happening in this empire presently. We should strive to identify and quench it now, before it escalates. I said so because what my sister Mabel just said would have been the best thought to be reasoned. And reasoning on it and arriving at a compromise may have completely solved the whole problem foaming up and causing division among us. Our leader Abdul-Karin we do not vote you in to lead us. I want all our elders and the mind bowing persons present here to practically reason on this statement. Does it sting? It is affront? Is it an irritating statement? Please great men and women with booming mind, do you not think it is our tribe, out culture, on custom, our religion or our believes that may be responsible for this? 

          Oh! We are outcast already, we have been given the dress of a slave to put on ………. We have already been looked at as enemy. I thought by now I would have been tied to a stake and shot to death or hung on a tree to rot away. Where is Mabel? Did she say up to what I have just spoken? Oh! Poverty breeds evil. Has it been design that if you come from Edunero Clan, Ibokele Clan or Yorinle Clan that you are a Taboo.
Our Father Aderemi you are here present. Humbly representing yourself and observing what is going on in this well honoured and respected empire.

             Oh! Should it be your time? Oh! Should this be the reward anyone can get for a work well done? Have we the indigenes of this land not done well for you by allowing your party take power at this time? Is it really true as speculated in many quarters that you are still a crèche in this system? One of the vigilante hurried in and inform the leader of Akogah Mr. Abdul-Karin that Mabel wish to make just one point before she could be finally thrown into he cage. “I will not grant that request because the dark room is where she belongs to for making such un-palatable statement to and elder statesman like me. In fact I have dissolved the youth wing” said Mr. Abdul-Karin. 

Our leader! You have all the powers said Papa Adeyemi to Abdul-Karin but you don’t have all the authority to conclude without fist consulting the Senior Elders Council. Papa Aderemi excused the leader, Abdul-Karin. When they came back, Mr. Abdul-Karin instructed the security to lead Mabel back o the hall on her request.

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