Ahead to a New Nigeria PART 1

The problem in the government sector of the Nigerian system is not primarily the ages that run for the various seats. Although the age plays a major role in streamlining things, the basic and most essential requirement to make the Nigeria governmental system works is The Rule of Law.

By this I mean that all activities in the Nigeria system should be regulated by the constitution of the land. No one person or authority should be allowed to live above the law of the land. Our speech, actions and attitude towards matters should be synchronized with the law (The Constitution).

Therefore, my humble submission to the honourable house of senate is that they should also work on modalities to make everyone in the country bow before the law. Right from the position of the president, all senators, representative, the governors, judges, local govt. council boss to those in the grassroot.
I’m so confident that if we works towards this direction, you may not remember me when things start changing for the better for you. The president should mind his speeches, the governors should not intimidate workers, judges should not take bribe, don’t decamp from the party that took you to the height of a senator, don’t use tout to force yourself into the seat of power, make sure everything works within the rules that empowers you into that honourable seat (position)

These suggestions are very timely because we have older men and women in the seat of power and you still see public fighting mostly in the inner chambers of both the lower and the higher houses of assembly and even being duplicated in the state houses of assemblies where you see 5 people impeaching a speaker against 17 that are still with the speaker.

Come to thing of it; is there no constitutional way to legally impeach a speaker, governor or even the president without causing hullabaloo? Or is the constitution dead to impeachment procedure in Nigeria? Why should a sane person climb through the ladder of one particular party to arrive at the position of either the governor, a senate member or a member of the house of representative and decamp to another party less-one-year in that seat and still be allowed to occupy that seat? If Nigeria laws are not strong enough to rectify such staid issues anymore, a new law should be drafted, otherwise if we have a member of Rep. and senate of forty years in the house with these inert laws, Nigeria would be heading to its doom.

So if we really wish that this New Nigeria we are designing succeeds and be sustained the Nigeria constitution should be worked on, and the proper regulation to prevent perplexity in the house must first be put in place before this laws regulating the age of whom become our leaders is passed.

By our source writter
Osakue A.O. Peter

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