A Tyrant Ruler Arrives

A group of persons were seen trying to enter the main conference hall of Akogah land, but were prevented by the door keeper who told them that he has received an order not to allow people from Edunero, Ibokele and Yorinle clans to have access to the hall henceforth, till further notice.

My Elders! You can now see that they are beating the drum of war said Mabel. We will tell them that we know the beat and that we have already practiced how to dance to it. This is indeed the arrival of a tyrant ruler
My children please don’t let us do it the violent way. Let us go under the belebo tree and discuss. Uwaila suggested. As they were all comfortably seated, Mr. Uwaila ask! “Omene, is it really true that you told Alero that this new leader of our great land, (Akogah Empire), Mr. Abdul-karin really instigated you against our former head of this empire?” Mr. Nickfallow Decki? Or is it really true that (Mr. Abdul-karin) employs you to fight and killed other youths in this empire and the other surrounding nations?

Omene responded… Our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters if you let someone take your covering away, you’ll remain naked. For long we have displayed more love for others than ourselves, hence we are now being looked down upon, by the same people we showed love to.

I, Omene have been used by these our enemies we call, brothers; these people that pretends to be our clansmen but who have  brutalized me and my people. Including my own brothers, my blood, unknowingly to me. I have seen that all these while, I have been doing wrong to myself by dancing to their music. They made me believe that greediness is a good quality and that it’s a normal way of life. They presented a well packaged misrepresented human flesh to me as cow meat. I allow them to buy me over with just a seed of groundnut, after which they used me to cause separations among many communities; including my own people. YES! I have been an instrument that was used to vandalize the government of our brother. I joined the team who forcefully removed him from the well esteemed seat of the leadership of Akogah Empire. I didn’t know I will suffer the penalty.

I was a propaganda used to label all kind of lie against our former leader. I made all the clan heads betray him when the emergency election was held, I was used as extinguisher to extinguish the truth. Do you know that cows, goats and sheep even went to the poll to vote for Abdul-Karin, although I have realized my error now, but it is too late, and in a hard way too. I feel sorry now, I wish I can see my former head of Akogah land, Mr. Nickfallow Decki and apologize to him this moment.
My elders; there are many things going on in this empire that you don’t know. Did you not wonder the way they turned the leadership of our own brother against him, they twist his entire loyalist to turn bad eyes to him; they made the people he has helped reject him? You see the way they turn election into a field of war? Did you people not know who our brother, our former leader and his entire families are? Have they ever been violent or misguided in the way they do their things? Is the entire families of this our brother not one of the most peaceful, humble and trustworthy family in this kingdom? The one most of us wish to emulate? Do you people not wonder the kind of turn of event we experience in his last days as a leader of this great empire? What do you deduce from this inequitable turn-of-event?
I was an instrument used by Abdul-Karin to perpetrate his evil intentions. He promised to make me the secretary to his government when he ultimately becomes the leader. I successfully performed all assigned task hoping to reap the fruit of my labour.
But immediately he was sworn in as the leader of this land, he turned his presence to his people. He never had anything to do with me anymore. Forgetting that none of them were available for him to be used when he wished to achieve his objectives. When I ask him what is going on, he told me that me and my people are slaves and that we are not meant to occupy any important position in his government. He even mentioned that within a short time he will remove all our tribesmen from the elders’ council. He also promised to extinguish our people from the security and defense sector, from the strategic and economy management department and from the resource control supervision board.

Stop! Shouted Osifo …….. Omene, why! Why!! Why!!!
You sold us to our enemy for a very low price; you undermine the importance and privilege of your people and your clan! What do we do now to reclaim our possession Omene? What do we do now Omene to get our inheritance back before they strike us?

In our bid to overcome these enemies, we need to go back to our brother Mr. Nickfallow Decki the past head of Akogah land to join and help us! We will plead with him to join us in this struggle for freedom. God has given him the key to extinguish the fire our Habekona, Noribalu and Wabudu brothers are setting. We know that they are out to oust us out of our own land. They want to turn us into a fugitive in our house and claim the ownership of it. If not our well esteemed brother Mr. Nickfallow Decki the former head of this empire, I’m very sure no one else can lead us to this battle. Let us go and beg him for forgiveness. He will forgive us because he knows that all we did to him was not intentional, we were lured to it by our enemies who claimed to be our brothers.

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