Why Are We Here?

It was a cool Saturday evening. Exactly 3:30pm to be precise. A large crowd of youths gathered under the big belebo tree in the center of Akogah Empire. The convener of the gathering was Omene, the youth leader for the kingdom.
“Everybody sit down! Sit down everyone” shouted Alma, the community youth P.R.O.
Within some minutes, everyone present were seated and everywhere calm. At exactly 4:00pm, the youth Leader already seated in the middle of the gathering stood up to address the audience of more than 280 youth eagerly waiting to hear the message he has for them.

My youth! My Youth!! Omene mentioned, authoritatively. "For long we have been waiting for this day to come. TODAY! Darkness Has Fallen And The Truth Is Gradually Going To Start Revealing".
Did you know that we have been living among our enemies all this while and we never knew it? We must handle this matter headlong now; this is a challenge for all youths and children from the Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle districts of Akogah land. Otherwise, a day like this, an opportunity like this, a fruitful moment like this may never come our way again. Nevertheless, the yorinle’s are not under coercion to join this fight because they have hindered this move previously.
Remember that I have always coordinated you my youth to fight with other youths, both in this Empire, and with our brothers in the surrounding nations. I was wrong! I wasn’t doing the appropriate thing. I feel sorry now. I have now realized that I was being used to instigate other youths against my people in order to reduce our population and also to use me to eject our brother from the seat of leadership in the empire. Today, we don’t have enough youths that will make up and defend our land anymore. Even our neighboring states are all filled with elders and older ones alone. Oh! They used me to cause disaster for my own people! They are really evil.
In the last meeting I held with Mr. Abdul Karin the current head of Akogah Empire, I vehemently told him that Akogah Empire and its government will soon experience a change of lifestyle, but he never understood what I meant. But today, we are at it. Omene then shouted “Great youth” – the youths answered – ‘power’ it was then some of the executive in the youth wing, started to understand that actually, “Darkness Has Fallen and That Truth Has Gradually Started to be Revealed”.
As Omene was still addressing his youth, Abu-Bakr led a number of Vigilante group members to the scene to disrupt the peaceful meeting convene by the youth leader of Akogah Empire, Mr. Omene.

HALT! Stop this meeting. Proclaimed Abu-Bakr the Community Defense Chairman (CDC); you must stop this gathering now as it is posing security threat to this nation. As the CDC of this land, I don’t want this meeting to continue.
No! No!! No!!! Shouted Omene in hesitation to Mr. Abu-Bakr’s order, Great youths of Akogah Kingdom! The youth answered “power” Do you want us to stop this meeting now? The youth said No… are you not already fed up with the present system of Government in this empire? The youth answered YES! Omene continued, you can see for yourselves my leaders that the YOUTHS  are not willing to disperse. But remember that our hardworking farmers sustaining this nation with their produce, the vigilante group and civil defense are youths, any area man power and hard-work is needed in this empire, calls for the youth's presence; Facing Abu-Bakr and sending a strong signal to the ruler of the land through him, Omene, The youth leader said to him! NO…. we will not succumb this time. Because many tomorrow have come and gone since we’ve been waiting for this change to come; but it never came. We are not willing to wait for another tomorrow to come before Akogah youth tell all wrong rulers in the land that enough is enough. Others shouted, hailing him! Omene… you spoke well our leader!

Immediately after the general meeting, Omene and five other members of his cabinet were seen seated in the community conference hall. Among them were Ismaila the assistant youth leader (AYL), Chukwuma, the youth secretary (YS), Alma the youth P.R.O, Mabel the Assistant Youth Leader and Alero the women leader.
The discussion was started by Omene who briefed the executives what the purpose of the gathering was about. He said “I call you people to this special emergency executive meeting because “now is the time to put things right in this province, as it is clear that many things are already going wrong. You people will recall that we have many districts that make up this empire and each of the districts has clans which are unique in their own ways.
For instance:-

Habekona clans are rich in the production of tomato and wheat.

Noribalu, produce yam & beans.

Edunero are rich in crude oil and agricultural produce.

Ibokele have oil and coal.

Yorinle is endowed with cocoyam & cola.

Wabudu are animal rearers.

Now I want somebody to tell me which of these clans is not competent enough to function independently as a nation? Take note that every other district has kept their resources to themselves except Edunero and Ibokele. Are you aware that all of us present in this meeting came from these clans that own the major resources propelling the entire empire?

The Edunero and Ibokele have been fooled for a very long time. But now our eyes are opened and we should be prepared to posses our possession. If any of you know that you are not in support of this move to take back our inheritance from these oppressors, please kindly excuse us so that we will know those who are willing to fight this battle with us. This is possibly going to be the last war that will resolve all abnormalities going on in this empire.
Alero stood up and told the other members in the assembly, “You know I am the women leader in this Akogah Empire and that I stand placed there by this same authority you are talking against. I am well aware that the resources sustaining the entire empire is sourced from our clans, still I understand that our brother in the seat of ruler ship presently is so callous and coldhearted. We may never be able to caution him nor take power from this wabudu brother of ours because he’s so pompous and feels his people have the highest population in the land and so, the entire Akogah empire belongs to them. My people, you know that these people are aggressive and iniquitous; they don’t have value for human lives. They slaughter human as if it’s an animal. Do you not see that they don’t procure any kind of material possession? They don’t even build block houses, except those that travel out of home. Their desire to cause commotion in this empire centers on the fact that they wish for, our brother and sisters, including our neighbors in other nations around us to flee from their homes so that, they alone will take possession of the entire land. I don’t want to die now so I will not be a part of this revolution. Please see reasons with me. I’m going away from this gathering.”

Go! And never come back. But we assure you, we must reclaim our inheritance from them said Mabel the assistant youth leader. But Omene calm her down and said don’t shout on her, don’t quarrel with her she is still our sister they just choose to use her against us. Alero you can go and join them to fight and kill your own people! Your own blood, because you have been made a rubber stamp women leader, Omene said calmly. Remember that I was once their victim, but one thing guaranteed and that is sure is that, we shall overcome them.

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