Electrical Potential of the Cell
Death in the cell occurs when the electrical potential of the cell membrane is reduced to zero. This was effectively demonstrated by Dr. Crile. An amoeba (a one celled animal) and an auto synthetic cell was used to demonstrate the vital function of electrical potential in all living cells. When an equal and opposite electrical charge to that of the amoeba reduced the electrical potential of its cell membrane to zero and astonishing change occurred comparable to death. Amoeboid movement was arrested and the amoeba became spherical in form. The outer cell membrane then ruptured and granules could be seen floating out into the surrounding fluid. 

Before the tears in the membrane became too excessive, the researchers reversed the process and restored the electrical potential of the cell membrane again to normal. They then witnessed a remarkable demonstration of the vital role of electrical potential in all living cells. The amoeba's form was reconstructed to a viable, living organism and it again became active and healthy. Reestablishing the cell's normal electrical potential had given life where death and disintegration would otherwise have occurred. 

Just like your car when the battery has run down and won't turn the engine over and start
In 1925, Georges Lakhovsky published a paper with the explicit title of "Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies" in Radio News.[7] His expressed philosophy was that "the amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes." He goes on to say, "The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays." Lakhovsky’s Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator (RCO) produced low frequency ELF all the way through gigahertz radiowaves with lots of "extremely short harmonics."[8] He favored such a wide bandwidth device so that, "The cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance." As a result, Lakhovsky’s RCO is now more often called MWO (multiple wave oscillator) for these reasons. 

This multiwave oscillator (MWO) put out a very broad spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. The theory, as propounded by Lakhovsky, was that each cell in the body of an organism-be it a plant, an animal, or a human being-is in itself a little radio receiver and works on its own special little frequency. Each cell, in addition to being tissue, in addition to being biology, is also electricity. On that theory, he held that pathology was a not matter of biological concern or intervention, but one of electrical concern and intervention. He theorized that from the bath of electrical frequencies put out by the multiwave oscillator, each cell individually could and would select that frequency which it most needed to restore its equilibrium. 

So he began to experiment not with animals or human beings, but with geraniums. These were geraniums which had cancers-plants get cancers too. And, lo and behold, the geraniums were cured of their cancers; which simply began to fall off since they are external in the case of geraniums. The geraniums would just shed the diseased tissues when exposed to the MWO. Lakhovsky then went on to do work on animals and human beings and his work was picked up by doctors in six or seven countries, among them Italy, Sweden and Brazil. Finally, because he was on the "wanted" list of the Nazis, he was smuggled out of France and came to New York during the war, where he worked with a urologist. The record of his treatment of degenerative disease, with what amounts to an early "energy-medicine" device, was remarkable. But the work had to be done in secret because orthodox medicine did not favor this device, and its power, associated with that of the FDA and the AMA and other "control organizations," kept the MWO underground. 

The Lakhovsky device is a very effective one. I'm not going to say that it's 100% effective because I don't think any device is, but it is way up there. Georges Lakhovsky died in 1944 or 1945.[9]
In todays world where pollution is becoming rampant, our food is being Geneticaly engineered
and poisioned with chemicals and additives, the air we breath has far less oxygen than 300
years ago and electromagnetic pollution is increasing expotentialy, out immune systems
are taking a beating, more and more people are dying of heart disease and cancer...
Building the electropotential in your cells could be a good idea for al


More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver including the following:
·      Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion
·      Absorption of vitamin K
·      Production of certain proteins for blood plasma
·      Production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a polypeptide protein hormone
·      Production of thrombopoietin is a glycoprotein hormone that regulates the production of platelets by the bone marrow
·      Hormone production
·      Synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids, lactate or glycerol
·      Conversion of glycogen into glucose
·      Formation of glycogen from glucose (this glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy)
·      Production of triglycerides (fats)
·      Production of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
·      Collecting LDL cholesterol from the blood and storing ready for excretion
·      Regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
·      Processing of haemoglobin for use of its iron content (The liver stores iron)
·      Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is one of the end products of protein metabolism that is excreted in the urine)
·      Clearing the blood of drugs, alcohol and other toxins and poisonous substances
·      The breakdown of insulin and other hormones
·      Regulating blood clotting
·      Decomposition of red blood cells
·      Resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria from the blood stream
·      Storage of substances, including glucose (in the form of glycogen),vitamin A (1–2 years supply),vitamin D (1–4 months supply)vitamin B12 (1–3 years supply),vitamin K, iron and copper.


From Grass to Grace - 

My BF Suma Career Path

I’m Paddy Kawuma Mutumba, a proud independent distributor (Crown Leader) of BFSuma. My rout from grass to grace, it was a painful lifestyle I lived before my encounter with the business I am proud of today.

I was on Nasser Road in 2012 before my up line Mr. Godfrey Kayiwa Kayongo got me from there. I used to stand by the side of the road and wait for by passing customers then we would ask them, can I serve you please, what are you looking for and anything the customer would say in replying that I am looking for this and that then I could say I have it, then I could run around shops asking shop owners, do you have this, do you have that, in the process you would get at least 3000 to 10,000. If the day goes well you could get good money like 50,000. But most of the days we could go without a meal and then walk back home from Nasser on empty stomach.

In BF Suma, my up line showed me this wonderful opportunity that I will never regret in the rest of my life. The MLM Business experience has been my teacher as I always think that if you need success don't seek success but add value on yourself. It works for every one without academic requirement because for me I was stuck with my degree in Computer science.

2013 Travel Award with excellent distributos to Hong Kong, Asia
2014 Car Award Winner

But to succeed in this industry is not easy, here are my tips.
1. You need to choose wisely. A company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a pay plan that's uniquely fair and very generous, momentum and stability, and most important, a supportive training system. Congratulations, you find the right one.

2. Get support from your upline. How supportive are they? My upline Mr Kayiwa called me every day to give courage. Now I am doing the same to help my down line, I put a plan in place and once they are committed to it, success is at their own door.

3. Take up the lead with your down line. There's a term in the network marketing industry called "orphans" when somebody is brought in and then the person who brought them in is just so busy bringing in other people that they don't spend the time to teach and train the new person. You should be prepared to spend at least 30 days helping a new person come into the industry and training them, supporting them and holding their hand until they feel confident to be able to go off on their own. You really need to ask yourself, are you willing to do that? Are you able to do that? It's not about just bringing people into the business and just moving forward. It's about working with these people and helping them to develop relationships.

4. Taking care of business. it's very important to do your research prior to getting involved, you need to set up a support team around you.

5. Don't quit your day job...yet. Be sure that you've been with the company for a while and that you know it's a stable company, and the income that you're earning is equal to or greater than the income you're earning from your job before quitting.

BF Suma Donates N1m Items to School

BF Suma Nigeria Ltd  donated educational materials worth more than N1 million to Majolate Primary School, llupeju, Mushin, Lagos on Wednesday January 21.

According to Mr. Ethan Peng, BF Suma’s West Africa Regional Manager, the donation is the beginning of the company’s charitable gestures in Nigeria, most especially, Lagos State. "The charity fund is put together by us and our distributors. This is just the beginning of many good things to come from BF Suma", he said. Mr. Robin Feng, BF Suma’s Lagos Country Manager, reiterated the fact that the donation is part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility. “We can never forget our Corporate Social Responsibility because our slogan is ‘bright future for all of us. ‘’ he stated.

While receiving the items on behalf of the school and its Head teachers, Comrade Sunday Ademola Okedara, Chief (Mrs.) Abosede Otun, Senior Special Assistant to Lagos State Governor on Primary School Education thanked BF Suma for its kind gestures and urged the company to do more for Lagos schools.

Others at the event include Mr. Bill Zeng, Regional Finance Manager, BF Suma, staff, distributors, teachers, pupils, and representatives of Mushi Local Government School Support Service.
(A) Cross section of BF Suma management staff led by Mr. Ethan Peng, distributors, teachers and pupils of Majolate primary school posing with some of the donated materials.

(B) Students are happy to receive the desks and book shelf.

BF Suma Uganda 2014 Car Award Conference

BF Suma Uganda held the second historical car award and recognition conference on the 23rd/Jan/ 2015 in Victoria Hall, Serena Hotel’s largest auditorium usually used by the president of the republic for state of the nation address because of its capacity. The 1500 seater capacity hall was completely filled up leaving several pockets of standing audience in several corners.
The conference attracted BF Suma distributors and guests from Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, South Sudan and Kenya. BF Suma Uganda office led by the country manager Mr. Leo Yu awarded several members of the business community, the minister as well as the Head of State for their contribution to the spirit of hard work exhibited by Ugandans.
The occasion was officiated by Hon Minister of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives Hon. Amelia Kyambadde from the Uganda government.  It was also graced by the BF Suma Africa Manager Mr. Andy Hu, the East Africa regional manager Mr. Evan Ye.  Among the representatives of the business community was Dr. Kibirige Bulaimu Muwanga, the Director of the 5*Hotel Africana.  Key stake holders in the health products industry ; the Uganda Ministry of health and the National drug Authority were effectively represented by  Dr. Grace Nambatya; the director of the national chemotherapeutic research institute and several other high ranking government officials including  the assistant inspector general of the Uganda Police, Mr. Andrew Sorowen.
The function also attracted the BF Suma Africa senior crown leader Mrs. Suzan Onyancha from Kenya who came in company of Ms Purity Kalimi and several other trainers.
Apart from Mr. Paddy Mutumba who was the main celebrant winning himself a brand Range Rover Vogue, over 60 outstanding  leaders and trainers received several distinguished awards including trophies for the top five earners, medals and certificates for their exemplary work and committement in expanding BF Suma business in Uganda and Africa in general.
Several speakers from the Hon. Minister, BF Suma Africa Manager, East Africa manager, thanked the audience and called upon the distributors to work harder in 2015 to improve their health as well as their economic status and share the BF Suma business opportunity.
During the ceremony a donation/contribution of UGX2.5M (1000 USD) was passed out to the Uganda Red Cross society which is to be directed to the Baptist school –Kitebi link for the provision of emergency kits. The dummy cheque was handed over to the URCS board chairman and link representative.


Although most people just struggle to accept aging as something that cant be avoided. Nevertheless it is the most painful thing for every man, when he recognizes that he will soon die, while he observe his body wrinkling away.

                Death is like tax which seems to be a compulsory task human must take. Humans! Mainly blacks does not believe that there’s a way out to cheat death. They say it has not been figured out, what they believe is that when we are getting old, means we are close to the grave.

                Congratulations! As recent scientific discoveries have shown that common conception of aging are largely mistaken for most species on the planet as well as humans until only recently.

         We use to understand that it was unlikely for anyone to survive long enough to die in his simple old age. Do you not understand that only event such as starvation, accident, being eaten by a predator, disease or other similar causes were the usual reason one should experience death in his simple age? (When not yet very old). Scientist has discovered numbers of theories on why we grow old and die prematurely. Some of the causes could be as a result of free radicals. But what is free radical?

Free radical are special type of molecules with an extra election to duplicate itself as it passes through other molecules when traveling through you blood stream, causing damages to your cells. The reason why the free radicals react thus is still practically uncertain. Hence, much research is still been done about it. Nevertheless, studies have shown that the presence of free radicals in our body plays a part in aggravating the following diseases. Alzheimer disease, arthritis, hypertension, excess fat accumulation, infertility, obesity, overweight, waist back pain and other health problems.
Continue Reading ...... 


          If anybody has ever told you that you must remain tattered when getting old or that you should not just bother because you will soon die.
Please make the speculator understand that human body was actually designed with an inbuilt ability to heal itself and always remain young and fresh.
We actually said this because if you properly take good care of yourself, your body which has been intentionally designed to effectively operate with about 100 trillion (100, 000, 000, 000, 000) living cells is expected to always keep itself strong and healthy by replacing every wear away cells as you eat good food and proper dietary.

We are made to understand that each and every one of those trillion of cells is expected to die off. But must be replaced with a new cell at regular intervals. Therefore, the function of your entire body is like a miracle. You believe this when you come to understand the fact that you aren’t truly the same person you used to be! Because all your old and weak cells a have been replace. This means you can actually remain young for long.

           Having been made to understand the concept at which human was made and how long he should be sustained, what now make us  old and even at a younger age and eventually die a premature death? It is our cells.
What happens to our cells is the key to anti-aging when one of those cells mentioned earlier dies, one of the possible things listed below must have happened:-

Lack Of Proper Nutrition:-
          If the cells has not been receiving proper nutrition, it’s replacement will be a weaker version of another cell. In this scenario, you body is degenerating.
Second, the cell developed to replace the dead cell may have same strength as it predecessor. In this case, your body weight and strength does not improve but remain stagnant
Thirdly, If the replacement cells eventually becomes strong if you choose to know and eat the right food, because new cells are stronger than the dead ones, mean you now regenerating the body and reversing you aging process cells plenty of the right kind of food and energy to work. Have you now wondered that Somewhere in our thirties, many of us start noticing those signs that we aren’t kids anymore -  a few gray hair appearing, wrinkle in the face, skin starts sagging.

            As more time goes by, other signs slowly and gradually appear – it’s a little harder getting up in the morning, our vision and hearing aren’t what they used to be, our sec life isn’t as lively as we remember. And we look around us and see the same things apparently happening to out friends and family. Most of us pretty must automatically accept what we see as an inevitable process of nature.