If anybody has ever told you that you must remain tattered when getting old or that you should not just bother because you will soon die.
Please make the speculator understand that human body was actually designed with an inbuilt ability to heal itself and always remain young and fresh.
We actually said this because if you properly take good care of yourself, your body which has been intentionally designed to effectively operate with about 100 trillion (100, 000, 000, 000, 000) living cells is expected to always keep itself strong and healthy by replacing every wear away cells as you eat good food and proper dietary.

We are made to understand that each and every one of those trillion of cells is expected to die off. But must be replaced with a new cell at regular intervals. Therefore, the function of your entire body is like a miracle. You believe this when you come to understand the fact that you aren’t truly the same person you used to be! Because all your old and weak cells a have been replace. This means you can actually remain young for long.

           Having been made to understand the concept at which human was made and how long he should be sustained, what now make us  old and even at a younger age and eventually die a premature death? It is our cells.
What happens to our cells is the key to anti-aging when one of those cells mentioned earlier dies, one of the possible things listed below must have happened:-

Lack Of Proper Nutrition:-
          If the cells has not been receiving proper nutrition, it’s replacement will be a weaker version of another cell. In this scenario, you body is degenerating.
Second, the cell developed to replace the dead cell may have same strength as it predecessor. In this case, your body weight and strength does not improve but remain stagnant
Thirdly, If the replacement cells eventually becomes strong if you choose to know and eat the right food, because new cells are stronger than the dead ones, mean you now regenerating the body and reversing you aging process cells plenty of the right kind of food and energy to work. Have you now wondered that Somewhere in our thirties, many of us start noticing those signs that we aren’t kids anymore -  a few gray hair appearing, wrinkle in the face, skin starts sagging.

            As more time goes by, other signs slowly and gradually appear – it’s a little harder getting up in the morning, our vision and hearing aren’t what they used to be, our sec life isn’t as lively as we remember. And we look around us and see the same things apparently happening to out friends and family. Most of us pretty must automatically accept what we see as an inevitable process of nature.

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