Lucy Omagbon Promise Us ........

       It will surprise you to note that because of the assurance given to the All Cooperative Farmers Association by the Honourable Chairman of Ovia North East Local Government Area, the Head of Department (HOD), Agriculture and the local government Engineer visited the cooperative farm cited in Okokhuo comunity on the 11th February, 2014.

          The promise made by the local government boss, prompt the diligent farmers to embark on the cultivation of the Cooperative Farm at Okokhuo, of which out of want, the farmers that make up the association expended about N1.4m for the cultivation of maize and cassava farm which eventually led the dedicated and hard working farmers to unprecedented debt.

              As the money used for this project was borrowed. We want to therefore use this medium to plead to the council boss Barrister Lucy Omagbon today 13th September, 2014 to please do well to live up to expectation by simply Bulldozing and Grading the farm road for the farmers.

              And we n ACFA are very sure that not only that this request is not difficult for the Hon. Chairman to actualize, but that it will help her to gain fame from the farmers and eventually get an award from these sincere and well respected citizens of this great country, Nigeria.

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