Electrical Potential of the Cell
Death in the cell occurs when the electrical potential of the cell membrane is reduced to zero. This was effectively demonstrated by Dr. Crile. An amoeba (a one celled animal) and an auto synthetic cell was used to demonstrate the vital function of electrical potential in all living cells. When an equal and opposite electrical charge to that of the amoeba reduced the electrical potential of its cell membrane to zero and astonishing change occurred comparable to death. Amoeboid movement was arrested and the amoeba became spherical in form. The outer cell membrane then ruptured and granules could be seen floating out into the surrounding fluid. 

Before the tears in the membrane became too excessive, the researchers reversed the process and restored the electrical potential of the cell membrane again to normal. They then witnessed a remarkable demonstration of the vital role of electrical potential in all living cells. The amoeba's form was reconstructed to a viable, living organism and it again became active and healthy. Reestablishing the cell's normal electrical potential had given life where death and disintegration would otherwise have occurred. 

Just like your car when the battery has run down and won't turn the engine over and start
In 1925, Georges Lakhovsky published a paper with the explicit title of "Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies" in Radio News.[7] His expressed philosophy was that "the amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes." He goes on to say, "The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays." Lakhovsky’s Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator (RCO) produced low frequency ELF all the way through gigahertz radiowaves with lots of "extremely short harmonics."[8] He favored such a wide bandwidth device so that, "The cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance." As a result, Lakhovsky’s RCO is now more often called MWO (multiple wave oscillator) for these reasons. 

This multiwave oscillator (MWO) put out a very broad spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. The theory, as propounded by Lakhovsky, was that each cell in the body of an organism-be it a plant, an animal, or a human being-is in itself a little radio receiver and works on its own special little frequency. Each cell, in addition to being tissue, in addition to being biology, is also electricity. On that theory, he held that pathology was a not matter of biological concern or intervention, but one of electrical concern and intervention. He theorized that from the bath of electrical frequencies put out by the multiwave oscillator, each cell individually could and would select that frequency which it most needed to restore its equilibrium. 

So he began to experiment not with animals or human beings, but with geraniums. These were geraniums which had cancers-plants get cancers too. And, lo and behold, the geraniums were cured of their cancers; which simply began to fall off since they are external in the case of geraniums. The geraniums would just shed the diseased tissues when exposed to the MWO. Lakhovsky then went on to do work on animals and human beings and his work was picked up by doctors in six or seven countries, among them Italy, Sweden and Brazil. Finally, because he was on the "wanted" list of the Nazis, he was smuggled out of France and came to New York during the war, where he worked with a urologist. The record of his treatment of degenerative disease, with what amounts to an early "energy-medicine" device, was remarkable. But the work had to be done in secret because orthodox medicine did not favor this device, and its power, associated with that of the FDA and the AMA and other "control organizations," kept the MWO underground. 

The Lakhovsky device is a very effective one. I'm not going to say that it's 100% effective because I don't think any device is, but it is way up there. Georges Lakhovsky died in 1944 or 1945.[9]
In todays world where pollution is becoming rampant, our food is being Geneticaly engineered
and poisioned with chemicals and additives, the air we breath has far less oxygen than 300
years ago and electromagnetic pollution is increasing expotentialy, out immune systems
are taking a beating, more and more people are dying of heart disease and cancer...
Building the electropotential in your cells could be a good idea for al

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